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Curated News
- Autism NOW Answer Series #42: What Do You Do If You’re Fired From Your Job?
- Autism NOW Answer Series #41: The Arc@Work
- Autism NOW Answer Series #40: Insomnia and Autism
- Autism NOW Answer Series #39: Technology and Innovation
- Autism NOW Answer Series #38: The Arc’s Center for Future Planning
- Autism NOW Answer Series #37: The Arc’s NCCJD
- Autism NOW Answer Series #36: Voting for individuals with I/DDs
- Autism NOW Answer Series #35: What is Medicaid?
- Video: Beyond Paralysis
- New toolkit available: Accessing Home and Community-Based Services
- Autism NOW Public Service Announcement Wins Award
- Autism NOW Answer Series #34: The Affordable Care Act
- Video: How to make self advocacy and other meetings welcoming and accessible
- The Autism NOW Center needs your feedback!
- Video: Interviewing for Success!
- Autism NOW Answer Series #33: Tips on how to have a social life in college
- Autismo: Una visión general en español
- Autism NOW Answer Series #32: Are individuals with ASD at a higher risk for being overweight?
- Wings for Autism® Gives Kids With Autism an Airport “Test Run”
- Autism NOW Answer Series #31: How and what should I talk to my doctor about?
- Video: What Is Autism?
- Our most popular webinars now available for only $10 each!
- Video: SABE Call to Close Institutions
- Autism NOW Answer Series #30: What does the law say about getting married for an individual with an ASD?
- Wings for Autism Video
- Autism NOW Answer Series #29: Tips for planning a vacation for individuals with an ASD
- New I/DD Toolkit Now Available
- Video: Tips for Healthcare Professionals
- Submit Your Story for Our Employment Toolkit
- Autism NOW Answer Series #28: What is neurodiversity?
- Autism NOW Center Seeks Program Evaluator
- Share Your Employment Stories
- New Resource Available: Welcome to the Autistic Community
- Autism NOW Answer Series #27: What is cyberbullying?
- Fact Sheets: The Autism NOW Center Provides Fact Sheets in Several Languages!
- Autism NOW Answer Series #26: What is Wings for Autism?
- Autism NOW Answer Series #25: What is the National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities?
- Video: Building Relationships With Policy Makers
- Autism NOW Answer Series #24: What is the National Council on Independent Living?
- Autism NOW Answer Series #23: What is a Plan for Achieving Self Support (PASS), and how can it be used for an individual with an I/DD?
- Autism NOW Answer Series #22: What is a job coach? What supports do they provide, and how does one pay for the services?
- Autism NOW Answer Series #21: What is the Special Needs Alliance?
- Autism NOW Answer Series #20: What housing options are available to individuals with I/DD after high school?
- Autism NOW Answer Series #19: What housing rights does one have if they or a loved one has an I/DD?
- Autism NOW Answer Series #18: What is vocational rehabilitation?
- Autism NOW Answer Series #17: What is a personal assistance program?
- Video: Supporting Your Son or Daughter with a Disability to Express their Sexuality
- New Resource Available: An Autistic View of Employment
- Autism NOW Answer Series #16: What is positive behavior support?
- Autism NOW Answer Series #15: What are the disability rights laws and what do they cover?
- Autism NOW Answer Series #14: What is self-advocacy, and how can individuals with autism participate?
- Autism NOW Answer Series #13: “My adult son or daughter is nonverbal. What is the best way for him or her to learn to communicate?”
- Autism NOW Answer Series #12: Is there a website where individuals with autism can interact with each other?
- Autism NOW Answer Series #11: What is applied behavior analysis?
- New Resource Available: A Curriculum for Self Advocates
- Autism NOW Answer Series #10: What is a special needs trust?
- Video: Presuming Competence
- Autism NOW Answer Series #9: What is a guardianship and how does it differ from a conservatorship?
- Autism NOW Answer Series #8: What is a conservatorship and how is it established for an individual with an I/DD?
- New Resource Available: Relationships and Sexuality
- Autism NOW Answer Series #7: What is assistive technology, and how can it help an individual with an I/DD?
- Autism NOW Answer Series #6: How can my child with autism go about getting a driver’s license?
- Video: The Negative Ripple Effect of Labels
- Autism NOW Answer Series #5: What options are available for treatment of sensory issues?
- Autism NOW Answer Series #4: Does my state have an autism insurance law?
- New Feature: Find Information by Topic
- Autism NOW Answer Series #3: What are the early signs of autism?
- Autism NOW Answer Series #2: Now that my child is diagnosed with autism, what do I do next?
- Autism NOW Answer Series #1: What is Autism NOW?
- Introducing the Autism NOW Answers Series
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- New Features Added: High Contrast View and Content Recommendations
- New Forums, Videos and More
- Join Autism NOW and The Arc on a Twitter Chat with the CDC
- New Data Reports One in 88 Children in the US has been Identified with Autism
- Latest March Webinar Announced
- New Local Agencies Directory and Map, Plus a Mobile Optimized Site
- New Webinars Added to the Archive
- Webinar Archive Updated with Last Week’s Webinars
- More January Webinars Added
- January Webinar Schedule Released
- December Webinar Schedule Released
- Participate! Be a Part of the Autism NOW Center
- ASAN Helps Current and Future College Students Navigate Student Life
- Webinar Archive Updated with Latest Webinars
- Americans with Disabilities Act 21st Anniversary
- Summits Complete!
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- Follow the Second Regional Summit Online
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- Update: Support at Home Page Expanded
- Follow the First Regional Summit Online
- Webinar Schedule for May Updated
- DC Metropolitan Area Regional Summit Application Deadline Extended
- The Autism NOW Center Not Associated with PBS Series on Autism
- Get Ready for Autism Awareness Month and April’s Webinars
- Welcome to the New Website
- Catch the Rest of the March Webinar Schedule
- Last Week to Join Autism NOW for Recreation and Summer Webinars!
- Celebrate the Return of Spring with Autism NOW’s Recreation and Summer Webinars!
- Here Comes the Sun! March Webinars to Focus on Recreation and Summer
- Don’t Miss the Second Week of a Webinar Series on Transition Issues
- Autism NOW Family Panel Tonight!
- Big News: Autism NOW Summit Dates Announced
- Free Webinar Series on Transition Issues Starting Tomorrow
- This Week’s Weekly Webinar Schedule
- Don’t Forget This Week’s Webinars
- Don’t Forget our Webinar with SABE on Thursday
- Attend the First Autism Now Center Webinars This Week
- Congressional Autism Caucus Releases Report on Federal Autism Efforts
- Paula Durbin-Westby Joins the Autism NOW Center
- Combating Autism Reauth Act Introduced in Senate
- Camp Create
- Dinner Fun Night
- Autism and Insurance Who pays for what services?
- Support Groups
- Kentucky Association for Applied Behavior Analysis Fall Workshop Series
- Denim & Diamonds for Autism
- The Arc National Convention
- Family Service League of NY – December 1st, 2015
- Bullying – October 29th, 2015
- Dating, Marriage and Intimacy – October 29th 2015
- Transitioning Youth Fair
- Dream Camp, July 13-17
- Dream Camp, June 22-26
- AFI DOCS Film Festival
- Special Needs Theater Camp, Alabama
- Webinar: First Steps in Future Planning
- Conference: The Arc’s 2014 National Convention
- Conference: 2014 Family Network on Disabilities Conference
- Autism NOW Webinar: Are You Protected? Facing Discrimination on the Job
- Autism NOW Webinar: Health Care Decision-Making
- The Autism Society 45th National Conference and Exposition
- Autism NOW Webinar: Autism Spectrum Disorders: An Overview in Spanish
- Autism NOW Webinar: Removing Access Barriers for Autistic College Students – Peer Mentor Model
- Join the Twitter Chat!
- HealthMeet® Webinar: The State of Health and Wellness for Individuals with IDD
- Public Health Grand Rounds – Autism Spectrum Disorder: From Numbers to Know-How
- Conference: 2014 Disability Policy Seminar
- Autism NOW Webinar: Disability-based Discrimination in Organ Transplantation
- HealthMeet® Webinar: Caregivers Role in Maintaining Good Oral Health for Individuals with IDD
- HealthMeet® Webinar: Healthcare Related Issues for Individuals with Disabilities
- Autism NOW Webinar: It’s 2014! Are There Still Institutions Open in Your State?
- HealthMeet® Webinar: Identifying and Improving Barriers to Healthcare for Individuals with IDD
- HealthMeet® Webinar: Improving Seizure Outcomes Through Online Seizure Diaries
- HealthMeet® Webinar: Seizures: Refractory Seizure Evaluation and Treatment in Adults with I/DD
- Autism NOW Webinar: Healthcare Transition for Youth with I/DD: A Review of Research, Policy and Next Steps
- HealthMeet® Webinar: Understanding Behavioral Changes in Adults with IDD and Dementia
- HealthMeet® Webinar: Women Be Healthy: A Promising Intervention to Promote Cervical and Breast Cancer Screening for Women with ID
- Autism NOW Webinar: The Affordable Care Act and the I/DD Community
- HealthMeet® Webinar: Grief, Loss, and Hospice Care for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities
- Autism NOW Webinar: Taking Charge: Tips for Self-Advocates
- HealthMeet® Webinar: Wellness for Every Body
- HealthMeet® Webinar: Early Access to Care
- Autism NOW Webinar: Service Implications of the DSM-5 for People with Autism
- Podcast: The Inclusive Class
- HealthMeet® Webinar: Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and Dementia
- Autism NOW Webinar: Transportation Options and Accommodations for Individuals with Disabilities
- HealthMeet® Webinar: Improving Outcomes and Quality of Life for Adults with Autism
- Conference: WVAPBS “Building a Culture of Positive Behavior Support”
- Autism NOW Webinar: Preparing for Fires and Other Emergencies
- Autism NOW Webinar: Think College Vermont: College Options for People with Intellectual Disabilities
- Autism NOW Webinar: We Are No Longer Silent
- Autism NOW Webinar: Look Through Our Eyes
- Autism NOW Webinar: Moving Beyond Subminimum Wages
- Autism NOW Webinar: Meeting, Making, and Keeping Friends and Connections
- Autism NOW Webinar: The Importance of Including Siblings in Family Future Planning
- Autism NOW Webinar: Quality of Life Outcomes
- Autism NOW Webinar: Community Living
- Autism NOW Webinar: Autism & Online Dating
- Autism NOW Webinar: Sex and Relationships – How Do I Figure This Out?
- Autism NOW Webinar: We’ve Got the Power!
- Autism NOW Webinar: Bullying: What to Know and How to Help Prevent It!
- Autism NOW Webinar: Personal Space while Sharing a Space
- Autism NOW Webinar: The Use of Medical Procedures that Violate Civil Rights
- Autism NOW Webinar: Voting and Youth!
- Autism NOW Webinar: Learning How to Give & Understand Consent
- Autism NOW Webinar: Apps for Autism: The Apps That Can Make A Difference And Why
- Autism NOW Webinar: How To Date Like a Pro
- Autism NOW Webinar: Autistic Workers Negotiating the World of Employment
- Autism NOW Webinar: The Autism Society’s Safe and Sound™ Initiative
- Sibling Issues Panel, Hosted by The Arc of Baltimore
- Autism NOW Webinar: Building a Safety Net for Yourself
- Autism NOW Webinar: Let’s Talk About Sex
- Autism NOW Webinar: A Case for Youth Leadership
- Autism NOW Webinar: Autism and Neurodiversity: A Study of Views and Influence of a Rising Movement
- Autism NOW Webinar: Overview of Disability Services
- Autism NOW Webinar: From Numbers to Action: Understanding the New Autism Prevalence Estimates
- Autism NOW Webinar: People Taking Responsibility for Advocacy in Their Own Lives
- Autism NOW Webinar: Autism 101
- Autism NOW Webinar: Autism Awareness vs. Autism Acceptance
- Autism NOW Webinar: Making Information Accessible
- Autism NOW Webinar: Thinking Person’s Guide to Autism: A Very Necessary Book
- Autism NOW Webinar: Involving Siblings in the Transition Process for Young Adults with Disabilities
- Autism NOW Webinar: Maximizing Quality of Life with Person-Centered Cognitive Support Technologies
- Autism NOW Webinar: Is Voting Important to You, If So, WHY?
- Autism NOW Webinar: Converting Sheltered Workshops to Employment Programs That Get People Real Jobs!
- Autism NOW Webinar: AASPIRE and Community Based Participatory Research
- Autism NOW Webinar: Let’s Talk About Sex: Disability, Relationships, and Sexuality
- Autism NOW Webinar: Access to Autism Friendly Companies
- Autism NOW Webinar: Super Allies: The Real Role of Advisors
- Autism NOW Webinar: “Shift” and Progress in Disability Rights and Awareness
- Autism NOW Webinar: Being Prepared
- Autism NOW Webinar: Being Prepared in an Emergency
- Autism NOW Webinar: Supporting Siblings of People with Disabilities
- Autism NOW Webinar: Girls and Women on the Autism Spectrum
- Autism NOW Webinar: Speaking on a Big Stage: Presenting at a National Conference
- Autism NOW Webinar: Building Connection, Building Community: An Introduction to Social Media
- Autism NOW Webinar: Autism and the Environment
- Autism NOW Webinar: People Are Talking About “Your” Transition
- Autism NOW Webinar: Navigating College: Advice for Autistic Students from Autistic Adults
- Autism NOW Webinar: Inclusive Education
- Autism NOW Webinar: Effective Job Development Strategies for Individuals with ASD
- Autism NOW Webinar: Employment for People with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) Part II
- Autism NOW Webinar: Employment for People with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and More Significant Support Needs: Part I
- Autism NOW Webinar: Post-Secondary Education
- Autism NOW Webinar: An Overview of Employment
- Autism NOW Webinar: Be SAFE: Promoting Safety for People with Intellectual & Cognitive Disabilities
- Autism NOW Webinar: Debunking Myths About Parents With Disabilities
- Autism NOW Webinar: Autism NOW Sibling Panel
- Autism NOW Webinar: Introduction to the Sibling Support Project
- Report: How Insurance Can Pay for an i-Pad
- Report: Talk About Sexual Violence
- Article: How insurance can pay for an iPad
- Report: Choosing a Lawyer to Help Plan for the Future
- Website: SMD ABLE ACT –
- Paid Leave
- Easy and Healthy School Lunch Ideas for Busy Parents
- Report: Teachable Moments
- Report: Health Insurance and Medicaid Coverage for Autism Services: A Guide for Individuals and Families
- Report: The Arc’s 2017 HealthMeet® report
- Academic: Scholarships for individuals with autism
- Website: University of Texas – Division of Diversity and Community Engagement – Services for Students with Disabilities
- Website: SPEAKall
- Article: Community Police Relations
- Website: Healthmeet
- Survey: Take the 2017 FINDS Survey
- Website: Technology Guide for People with Disabilities
- Website: Operation Autism
- Website: Uneepi
- Website: Stages Learning for preschoolers
- Website: Stages Learning
- Autism and Behavioral Spectrum
- Blog: Anonymously Autistic
- Traveling Resources
- Fact Sheet: ABLE Act Improvements
- Winning in College: A Guide for Students with Disabilities
- Housing Rights Resources
- Website: Stages Learning
- Webinar: Empowering Latina Mothers of Children with ASD Webinar Archive Available
- Website: Our Stars Inc.
- Website: Post Secondary Guide
- Survey: Gathering Perspectives from the Autism Community about Employment and Higher Education
- Website: Profectum
- Academic Research: The National Autism Indicators Report Series
- Website: Spectrum Arts
- Website: Cyberbullying
- Guide: Summary of Advances in Autism Spectrum Disorder Research: Calendar Year 2015
- Video: Autism: See the Potential
- Website: Mindprint Learning
- Website: Identifor Foundation
- Website: Applied Behavior Analysis Services
- Website: Bachelor of Science in Professional and Liberal Studies: Concentration in Autism Studies
- Autism & Related Conditions Catalog
- Report: Making it Work initiative on gender and disability inclusion: Advancing equity for women and girls with disabilities
- Website: More children getting screened for autism at a younger age, study says
- Website: Assistive Technology Financing Loan Program
- Website: Fulfilling the American Dream: A Guide for Disabled Homebuyers
- Website: Disability Accommodation Costs
- Website: SkillSprout
- Website: Cloth For All
- Website: Personal Finance Guide for People with Disabilities
- Website: Autism Educators
- Website: ABA Therapy and Counseling Services
- Website: Peer Supportive Program Overview
- Website: 2016 College Resources for Students with Disabilities
- Website: Routines can help family life run more smoothly. They can also be a way to help your child with disability develop skills. The best routines are the ones that suit you, your child and your situation.
- Website: Teaching Students with Special Needs
- Website: College Assistance Guide for People with ADHD
- Website: Employees’ Practical Guide to Negotiating and Requesting Reasonable Accommodations Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
- Website:’s Guide for Family Caregivers
- Website: Guide for Employees with Disabilities and Their Employers
- Website: Finding Balance
- Video: Autistic Brothers Walk Tall in Southern University Marching Band
- Article: Autistic Brothers Walk Tall in Southern University Marching Band
- Website: Autism Insiders
- Website: Fire Safety and Disabilities Guide
- Report: Autism Now Throughout the Years 2011-2014
- Article: Life Without Restraint: Problems and Solutions Regarding Restraint Use
- Guide: Preparing for Disaster for People with Disabilities and other Special Needs
- Website: UK airports need to step up their assistance for those with autism
- Website:’s Guide to Transportation
- Website: Career Assistance for People with Autism
- Website: The Guide to Aquatic Therapy for Children with Autism
- Website: Concept Connections
- Video: Sam’s Autism Journey
- Article: Increasing Physical Activity among Adults with Disabilities
- Article: May Provide Clues to the Origin of Autism
- Website: Facebook Page: Arkansas Autism Network
- Guide: Improve net: Fire Safety & Disabilities Guide
- Website: Red Cross: Home Safety for People with Disabilities
- Fact Sheet: Home Modifications to Promote Independent Living
- Website: Logan Autism Learning Centers
- Webpage: Department of Housing and Urban Development: Buying a Home
- Website: Social Security Administration: Extra Help with Medicare Prescription Drug Plan Costs
- Article: The Ultimate Job Relocation Guide for the Newly Hired
- Article: Coping with stress at work
- Article: The Caregiver’s Toolbox: The Caregiver’s Space
- Article: Zip Recruiter: How To Write The Perfect Resume for Any Job
- Website: My Next Move: Find the Job that’s Right for You
- Article: Disability Scoop: Pets May Boost Social Skills In Kids With Autism
- Article: The Guardian: Is the NHS failing women with autism?
- Article: My Aspergers Child: Insomnia in Children with Aspergers & High-Functioning Autism
- Article: Autism Daily News: The Positive Traits of Autism – Part 2 – Hardworking
- Guide: Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI): A Parent’s Guide to Internet Safety
- Website: Banishing Bullying Behaviors
- Article: The rocking chair boy
- Article: Autism after high school
- Article: An autistic child’s (artificially intelligent) best friend
- Article: Flying under the radar: Girls and Women with Aspergers Syndrome
- Article: Huffington Post: The SPECTRUM Alert: 8 Steps Schools Can Take to Prevent Autism-Elopement Tragedy
- Article: Health Professionals Network: The Changing Criteria for Autism Spectrum Disorder: What They Mean for Practice
- Article: YaleNews: Siblings of children with autism can show signs at 18 months
- Website: Think Beyond the Label
- Guide: The Boggs Center on Developmental Disabilities: Being a Healthy Adult: How to Advocate for Your Health and Health Care
- Guide: The Boggs Center on Developmental Disabilities: Keeping It Real: How to Get the Supports You Need for the Life You Want
- Webpage: AUCD: A Collaborative Interagency, Interdisciplinary Approach to Transition from Adolescence to Adulthood
- Website:
- Guide: ASAN: Transition to Adulthood: A Health Care Guide for Youth and Families
- Hesperian Health Guides: A Health Handbook for Women with Disabilities
- Article: CSESA: Depression in Adolescents with ASD
- Webpage: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services: Clarification of Medicaid Coverage of Services to Children with Autism
- Toolkit: Office for Victims of Crime: Promising Practices for Serving Crime Victims with Disabilities
- Webpage: National Center on Criminal Justice & Disability: Perske’s List
- Website: Financial Aid Opportunities for Students With Disabilities
- Toolkit: Accessing Home and Community-Based Services: A Guide for Self Advocates
- Guide: Let’s Talk About Health: Health Screenings that Detect Colon Cancer and Lifestyle Choices that May Help Reduce the Risk of Developing it
- Guide: Let’s Talk About Health: Health Screenings that Detect Breast Cancer and Lifestyle Choices that May Help Reduce the Risk of Developing it
- Video: Gateway to Self-Determination: Self-Advocacy
- Video: Chris Klein: Building Relationships through the Tools of Communication
- Webpage: 25 Great Scholarships for Students on the Autism Spectrum
- Webpage: U.S. Department of Labor: Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act
- Website: ACA National Disability Navigator Resource Collaborative (NDNRC)
- Article: Exceptional Parent: Planning Ahead For When Your Special Child Turns 18
- Article: Exceptional Parent: Government Benefits for Children with Special Needs
- Article: UC Davis MIND Institute: Atypical development in the siblings of children with autism is detectable at 12 months
- Website: The Arc’s National Center on Criminal Justice & Disability
- Webpage: The Autism Society of Maine: Facts for Prosecutors
- Webpage: Employment & Training Resources: Employer Resources – Hiring People with Disabilities
- Report: Bureau of Justice Statistics: Crime Against Persons with Disabilities, 2009-2012 – Statistical Tables
- Webpage: U.S. Fire Adminstration: Fire Safety for People with Disabilities
- Video: The Rhythm Tree: Music Therapy and Autism
- Guide: Vanderbilt Kennedy Center: Taking the Work Out of Blood Work: Helping Your Child with an Autism Spectrum Disorder – A Parent’s Guide
- Guide: TU Collaborative on Community Inclusion: A Practical Guide for People with Disabilities Who Want to Go to College
- Guide: NCLD-Youth: Internships: The On-Ramp to Employment
- Article: Southwest Autism Research & Resource Center (SARRC): Opening Doors: A Discussion of Residential Options for Adults Living with Autism and Related Disorders
- Guide: Vanderbilt Kennedy Center: No-Tech and Low-Tech AAC for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)
- Website: Jacob’s Lessons
- Video: Organization for Autism Research: What’s Up with Nick?
- Website: Real Look Autism
- Webpage: PACER Center: Translated Materials – Spanish
- Website: Family Caregiver Alliance: National Center on Caregiving
- Video: Understanding Autism: A Guide for Secondary School Teachers (Part 1)
- Tool: Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers, Revised with Follow-Up (M-CHAT-R/F)
- Webpage: World Institute on Disability: Home-Ownership for People with Disabilities
- Website: Military OneSource: EFMP/Special Needs
- Guide: The Alpine Learning Group: Working in the Community: A Guide for Employers of Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Policy Brief: ASAN: The transition to adulthood for youth with ID/DD: A review of research, policy and next steps
- Webpage: Disabled World: Guide to Home Buying for People with Disabilities
- Video: Wrong Planet: How to Flirt and Get a Date
- Webpage: Disabled World: Disability Housing and Home Loans for Disabled Americans
- Report: University of New Hampshire: Meaning of Homeownership for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities: A Qualitative Study
- Website: University of New Hampshire: Center for Housing and New Community Economics
- Webpage: Refinance & Mortgage Guide for People with Disabilities
- Webpage: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development: Housing Choice Vouchers Fact Sheet
- Webpage: Burton Blatt Institute: Employer Toolkit
- Webpage: The ACCESS Project: Transition to College
- Video: Kennedy Krieger Institute: Showing Early Signs of Autism
- Report: American Academy of Pediatrics: Oral Health Care for Children with Developmental Disabilities
- Guide: NSW Department of Health: Being a Healthy Woman
- Webpage: Healthy Transitions: Speaking Up at the Doctor’s Office
- Video: Autism Research Group: Lost in Public
- Webpage: U.S. Office of Personnel Management: Selective Placement Program Coordinator (SPPC) Directory
- Website: Disability Rights, Education Activism, and Mentoring (DREAM)
- Website: Specialized Training for Military Parents (STOMP)
- Video: TEACCH Autism Program: Autism in the Criminal Justice System
- Video: Autism in Love
- Article: National Down Syndrome Society: Dual Diagnosis of Down Syndrome & Autism
- Webpage: U.S. Department of Health & Human Services: The Affordable Care Act and Autism and Related Conditions
- Webpage: AOTA: Living with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): The High School Years
- Fact Sheet: U.S. Department of Justice: Service Animals
- Guide: OPWDD: On the Scene and Informed – First Response and Autism
- Webpage: The National Center for Victims of Crime: Resource Directory for Service Providers
- Website: Think Beyond the Label
- Toolkit: Vanderbilt Kennedy Center: Healthy Bodies for Girls
- Toolkit: Vanderbilt Kennedy Center: Healthy Bodies for Boys
- Fact sheet: Vanderbilt Kennedy Center: Selecting a Behavioral Services Provider
- Article: Huffington Post: Kids with Autism May Have Poorer Sleep
- Website: The Center on Secondary Education for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Video: A Teen’s Guide to Autism
- Webpage: SafeSoundFamily: Keeping Your Autistic Kids Safe
- Guide: Organization for Autism Research: Understanding Autism – A Guide for Secondary School Teachers
- Website: Autism Housing Network
- Toolkit: Autism Speaks: Housing and Residential Supports Toolkit
- Guide: HANDS in Autism: 10 Do’s for Supporting Individuals with an ASD
- Research Article: Investigating the Use of Circles in Social Networks to Support Independence of Individuals with Autism
- Fact Sheet: American Psychiatric Association: Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Guide: Include Me!
- Research Article: James Madison University: Risk of Maltreatment for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Guide: Respite Resource Project: A Practical Guide to Respite for Your Family
- Website: Society for Accessible Travel and Hospitality
- Webpage: Autistic Globetrotting: The Ten Golden Rules of Autistic Travel
- Guide: Cyberbullying Research Center: Cyberbullying Scripts for Parents to Promote Dialog and Discussion
- Fact Sheet: Cyberbullying Research Center: Top Ten Tips for Teens
- Research Brief: What are the trend employment outcomes of youth with autism: 2006-2010?
- Fact Sheet: Autism NOW: Car Sharing
- Fact Sheet: Autism NOW: Bike Sharing
- Fact Sheet: Autism NOW: Safety Tips for Walking
- Fact Sheet: Self-Employment Q and A: Successful Entrepreneurs with Disabilities Speak Out
- Webpage: Effective Interaction: Communicating With and About People with Disabilities in the Workplace
- Guide: U.S. Department of Labor: Diversifying Your Workforce
- Website: Kyle’s Treehouse
- Guide: Center for Autism and Related Disabilities: Autism and Mental Health Issues
- Booklet: Airport Social Stories
- Website: Circle of Friends
- Guide: Autism Speaks: Haircutting Training Guide
- Webpage: The Hanen Centre: Autism Corner
- Article: Reading Rockets: Reading Together: Tips for Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Report: National Center for Health Statistics: Changes in Prevalence of Parent-reported Autism Spectrum Disorder in School-aged U.S. Children: 2007-2012
- Article: IEP Meeting Conversation Stoppers
- Website: Families for Hands & Voices: The Pop-up IEP
- Website: SafePlace: Disability Services ASAP (A Safety Awareness Program)
- Fact Sheet: SafePlace: Similarities and Differences in Domestic Violence for People with and without Disabilities
- Website: The Art of Autism
- Webpage: Your State’s Child Early Intervention Services
- Article: Think College!: Federal Financial Aid for Students with Intellectual Disabilities
- Guide: National Gateway to Self-Determination: Advising Through Self-Determination
- Website: Allies in Self-Advocacy
- Article: Sexuality Resource Center for Parents: Autism Spectrum Disorders and Sexuality
- Article: GreatSchool: 8 Steps to a Successful IEP Meeting
- Webpage: GreatSchools: Autism and Other Disorders
- Guide: Organization for Autism Research: Kit for Kids
- Article: Kennedy Krieger Institute: Speech Emerges in Children on The Autism Spectrum with Severe Language Delay
- Website: American Association on Health and Disability (AAHD)
- Website: The Arc: HealthMeet
- Website: National Council of State Housing Agencies – Housing Finance Agencies Directory
- Website: Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates (COPAA)
- Information Sheet: American Music Therapy Association: Music Therapy – Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Website: – Illness & Disability
- Website: Real People, Real Jobs: Stories from the Front Line
- Website: American Camp Association: Find A Camp
- Website: Discover Camp: Considerations for Sending Your Child with a Disability to Camp for the First Time
- Guide: AbilityPath: Finding Balance – Obesity and Children with Special Needs
- Website: What Can YOU do? The Campaign for Disability Employment
- Website: National Center on Workforce and Disability (NCWD)
- Website: ABILITYJobs
- Website: Advancing Science, Serving Society: Entry Point!
- Fact Sheet: Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services: Transition Data
- Article: Kennedy Krieger Institute: New Study Finds Bullying Causes Significant Short-Term Emotional And Physical Consequences For Children With Autism
- Webpage: National Conference of State Legislatures – Insurance Coverage for Autism
- Website:
- Website: The Center for Children with Special Needs
- Website: Autism ALERT
- Article: Be Prepared! Emergency Preparedness for People with Disabilities
- Guide: Indiana Resource Center for Autism – Making Choices: Exploring Campus Recreational and Social Opportunities
- Website: Aging with Autism
- Guide: NFPA: Home Safety for People with Disabilities
- Guide: North Carolina Office on Disability and Health: Breast Health Care: Easy to Read, Easy to Understand
- Guide: New Hampshire Family Voices: Organizing and Maintaining Support Groups
- Website: Ability Online
- Website: The National Dropout Prevention Center for Students with Disabilities
- Website: The Autism Acceptance Project
- Website: Autism Radio
- Guide: Project ACTION: Getting on Board – Facts for Customers of Motorcoach Services
- Guide: Project ACTION: GET Going! Guiding Everyday Travel
- Article: “Parenting a Child with Autism: What Should I Do In a Crisis?” Six Tips to Prepare for a Mental Crisis in Children on the Autism Spectrum
- Guide: Preparing Makes Sense for People with Disabilities and Special Needs
- Website: Center for Appropriate Dispute Resolution in Special Education (CADRE)
- Website: Independent Living Research Utilization
- Website: The HEATH Resource Center
- Information Sheet: PACER Center: Functional Behavioral Assessment and Positive Interventions: What Parents Need to Know
- Website: CLAS Special Collection
- Guide: Toys R Us: Toy Guide for Differently-Abled Kids
- Website: Easter Seals’ Living with Autism Study: Key Findings
- Website: Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee (IACC)
- Webpage: ARCH National Respite Network and Resource Center: National Respite Locator
- Fact Sheet: ARCH National Respite Network and Resource Center: Respite for Individuals with Autism
- Guide: OAR: Life Journey through Autism: Navigating the Special Education System
- Guide: Family Information Guide to Assistive Technology and Transition Planning
- Website: The Family Center on Technology and Disability
- Website: Autism Spectrum Disorders: Knowledge Path
- Website: Autism Family Online
- Website: Grandparents of Kids with Special Needs (GKSN)
- Website: Autism Service Dogs of America
- Webpage: American-Speech-Language Hearing Association
- Webpage: TeachersFirst’s Resources on Autism Spectrum Disorders and Asperger’s
- Website: LoveToKnow: Autism
- Guide: Thinking About Inclusion – Taking Personal and Corporate Responsibility for Welcoming Everyone
- Webpage: CDC: Breast Cancer and Women with Disabilities
- Guide: Michigan’s Department of Community Health: Transition Planning: A Guidebook for Young Adults and Family
- Website: Dads 4 Special Kids
- Toolkit: Equal Rights Center: An Accessibility Self-Advocacy Toolkit
- Toolkit: Equal Rights Center: Americans with Disabilities Act Employment Pocket Toolkit
- Website: AutismAid
- Website: Madison House Autism Foundation (MHAF)
- Webpage: Autism Speaks: State Autism Insurance Reform Laws
- Guide: Possibilities: A Financial Resource for Parents of Children with Disabilities
- Website: The Autism Transition Handbook
- Webpage: Disabilities
- Website: AutismCares
- Guide: The National Autism Center: A Parent’s Guide to Evidence-Based Practice and Autism
- Website: Do2learn
- Website: Chapel Haven
- Website: Help Autism Now Society
- Book: Autism: Living with My Brother Tiger
- Website: Knowledge for People
- Webpage: The Autism Program of Illinois: Tips & Tools
- Tip Sheet: The Autism Program of Illinois: How to Address Specific Toilet Training Problems
- Info Brief: Think College: Healthy & Ready for College
- Article: National Institutes of Health: Thin Bones Seen In Boys with Autism and Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Article: National Institutes of Health: For young children with autism, directing attention boosts language
- Webpage: Gluten-Free/Casein-Free Diets
- Webpage: 1915(c) Home & Community-Based Waivers
- Website: The AbleGamers Foundation
- Guide: Institute for Community Inclusion: Moving on to High School
- Guide: Work Without Limits: School Days to Pay Days
- Article: UC Davis: Autism Early Invention Found to Normalize Brain Activity in Children as Young as 18 Months
- Article: UC Davis: Diagnosis Often Missed for Hispanic Children with Developmental Delay, Autism
- Toolkit: National Autism Association – Big Red Safety Toolkit for First Responders
- Toolkit: National Autism Association – Big Red Safety Toolkit for Caregivers
- Research Article: Social Integration in Employment Settings: Application of Intergroup Contact Theory
- Research Article: Romantic Relationships and Interpersonal Violence Among Adults With Developmental Disabilities
- Research Article: “It’s Our Job”: Qualitative Study of Family Responses to Ableism
- Research Article: Factors Associated With the Early Work Experiences of Adolescents With Severe Disabilities
- Research Article: Disability Identity of Leaders in the Self-Advocacy Movement
- Research Article: Transition Planning for Students With Intellectual Disability, Autism, or Other Disabilities: Data from the National Longitudinal Transition Study-2
- Research Article: Sleep Problems and Early Developmental Delay: Implications for Early Intervention Programs
- Research Article: Cervical and Breast Cancer–screening Knowledge of Women with Developmental Disabilities
- Research Article: Neurodiversity: Autism Pride Among Mothers of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Research Article: Implementation of Job Development Practices
- Research Article: Shared Decision Making: Improving Care for Children with Autism
- Research Article: Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Quality of Health Care Among Children with Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities
- Research Article: Strategies for Organizational Change from Group Homes to Individualized Supports
- Research Article: Understanding Differences in Neurotypical and Autism Spectrum Special Interests Through Internet Forums
- Research Article: Support Needs of Siblings of People with Developmental Disabilities
- Research Article: Marital Satisfaction and Parenting Experiences of Mothers and Fathers of Adolescents and Adults With Autism
- Research Article: Financial Well-being of Single, Working-age Mothers of Children with Developmental Disabilities
- Research Article: Social Interactions of Students with Disabilities Who Use Augmentative and Alternative Communication in Inclusive Classrooms
- Research Article: “We Want Respect”: Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Address Respect in Research
- Research Article: Changes in Maladaptive Behaviors From Midchildhood to Young Adulthood in Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Research Article: Predictors of Future Caregiving by Adult Siblings of Individuals With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
- Research Article: Trajectory of Behavior and Emotional Problems in Autism
- Research Article: Vaccine-Related Beliefs and Practices of Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Research Article: An Evaluation of School Involvement and Satisfaction of Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Research Article: Health Care of Latino Children with Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities: Quality of Provider Interaction Mediates Utilization
- Research Article: Sleep and Daytime Functioning: A Short-term Longitudinal Study of Three Preschool-age Comparison Groups
- Research Article: Midlife and Aging Parents of Adults With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: Impacts of Lifelong Parenting
- Research Article: Doing Nothing: Adults With Disabilities With No Daily Activities and Their Siblings
- Research Article: Comparisons Between Individuals With Autism Spectrum Disorders and Individuals With Down Syndrome in Adulthood
- Research Article: Sex differences in the evaluation and diagnosis of autism spectrum disorders among children
- Research Article: Fear of routine physical exams in children with autism spectrum disorders prevalence and intervention effectiveness
- Research Article: A review of behavioral treatments for self-injurious behaviors of persons with autism spectrum disorders
- Research Article: Teaching children with autism how to respond to the lures of strangers
- Research Article: Creativity in savant artists with autism
- Research Article: Providing interventions for young children with autism spectrum disorders what we still need to accomplish
- Research Article: Sentinels of safety: Service dogs ensure safety and enhance freedom and well-being for families with autistic children
- Research Article: Writing instruction for students with autism spectrum disorders a review of literature
- Research Article: ‘i just don’t fit anywhere’: support experiences and future support needs of individuals with asperger syndrome in middle adulthood
- Research Article: Mothers’ reports of their involvement in early intensive behavioral intervention
- Research Article: Measuring young children’s attitudes toward peers with disabilities highlights from the research
- Research Article: States’ accountability and progress in serving young children with disabilities
- Research Article: “just good different things” specific accommodations families make to positively adapt to their children with developmental disabilities
- Research Article: Health and access to health care of female family caregivers of adults with developmental disabilities
- Research Article: Developing skills in everyday activities and self-determination in adolescents with intellectual and developmental disabilities
- Research Article: Assessing motivation for work in people with developmental disabilities
- Research Article: The everyday routines of families of children with autism examining the impact of sensory processing difficulties on the family
- Research Article: Parenting children with autism spectrum disorders the couple’s relationship
- Research Article: Preventing students with disabilities from dropping out
- Website: The Arc: Wings for Autism
- Research Article: Fostering self-determination through building productive relationships in the classroom
- Research Article: Creating social opportunities for students with autism spectrum disorder in inclusive settings
- Research Article: Positive outcomes following participation in a music intervention for adolescents and young adults on the autism spectrum
- Research Article: Sleep problems in children with autism spectrum problems: a longitudinal population-based study
- Research Article: A comparison of picture and video prompts to teach daily living skills to individuals with autism
- Research Article: The experience of anxiety in young adults with autism spectrum disorders
- Research Article: Bullying and victimization experiences of students with autism spectrum disorders in elementary schools
- Research Article: High-poverty youth self-determination and involvement in educational planning
- Research Article: An approach for expanding and connecting opportunities for employment for adolescents with disabilities
- Research Article: An evaluation of the beyond high school model on the self-determination of students with intellectual disability
- Research Article: Predictors of employment and postsecondary education of youth with autism
- Research Article: The role of postsecondary education in the path from high school to work for youth with disabilities
- Research Article: Exploring the Effect of Autism Waiver Services on Family Outcomes
- Research Article: Fathers of Children with Disabilities: Stress and Life Satisfaction
- Research Article: Analysing family service needs of typically underserved families in the USA
- Research Article: Head lag in infants at risk for autism: A preliminary study
- Research Article: Same but Different: 9-Month-Old Infants at Average and High Risk for Autism Look at the Same Facial Features but Process Them Using Different Brain Mechanisms
- Research Article: Food variety as a predictor of nutritional status among children with autism
- Research Article: Television, video game and social media use among children with asd and typically developing siblings
- Research Article: Unmet need and problems accessing core health care services for children with autism spectrum disorder
- Research Article: Exploring a massage intervention for parents and their children with autism: the implications for bonding and attachment
- Research Article: The hero’s story and autism grounded theory study of websites for parents of children with autism
- Research Article: Challenges faced by parents of children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder
- Research Article: Training paraprofessionals to facilitate social interactions between children with autism and their typically developing peers
- Research Article: Using perseverative interests to improve interactions between adolescents with autism and their typical peers in school settings
- Webpage: Technical Assistance Collaborative: Priced Out
- Website: The Miracle Project
- Webpage: Bureau of Labor Statistics: Data on the Employment Status of People with a Disability
- Webpage: Bureau of Labor Statistics: Data on the Employment Status of People with a Disability
- Report: Unfinished Business: Making Employment of People with Disabilities a National Priority
- Research Article: Gender gaps career development for young women with disabilities
- Research Article: Experiences of parents who homeschool their children with autism spectrum disorders
- Research Article: Lie-telling behavior in children with autism and its relation to false-belief understanding
- Research Article: Evaluation of a sibling-mediated imitation intervention for young children with autism
- Research Article: Improving social engagement and initiations between children with autism spectrum disorder and their peers in inclusive settings
- Research Article: Motor proficiency and physical fitness in adolescent males with and without autism spectrum disorders
- Research Article: Relationship satisfaction, parenting stress, and depression in mothers of children with autism
- Research Article: A randomised group comparison controlled trial of ‘preschoolers with autism’: A parent education and skills training intervention for young children with autistic disorder
- Research Article: To enforce or not to enforce? The use of collaborative interfaces to promote social skills in children with high functioning autism spectrum disorder
- Research Article: Family experiences through the autism diagnostic process
- Research Article: Do sheltered workshops enhance employment outcomes for adults with autism spectrum disorder?
- Website: Virginia Commonwealth University: Rehabilitation Research and Training Center
- Guide: U.S. Department of Education: Disability Employment 101
- Website: Autism National Committee (AUTCOM)
- Website: Interactive Autism Network
- Website: My Child Without Limits
- Website: UC Davis Mind Institute: Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities
- Webpage: NPDC: Evidence-Based Practice Briefs
- Tip Sheet: Growing Ideas: Admissions Policies and Practices that Build Inclusive Child Care Communities (for Providers)
- Webpage: University of Maine: Growing Ideas Tipsheets and Resources for Guiding Early Childhood Practices
- Website: The Daniel Jordan Fiddle Foundation
- Toolkit: Emergency Management Be-Prepared Kit
- Website: The National Organization on Disability
- Webpage: The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) – Disability Discrimination
- Website: Self-Advocacy Online
- Toolkit: Find, Choose and Keep Great DSPs
- Brochure: Disaster Readiness Tips for People with Developmental or Cognitive Disabilities
- Guide: Evidence-Based Social-Emotional Curricula and Intervention Packages for Children 0-5 Years and Their Families
- Webpage: OCALI: Transition to Adulthood Guidelines
- Guide: OCALI: What to Do When Your Child Exhibits Dangerous Behavior
- Toolkit: Caring for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Resource Toolkit for Clinicians
- Guide: Making the Move to Managing Your Own Personal Assistance Services (PAS): A Toolkit for Youth with Disabilities Transitioning to Adulthood
- Research Brief: A National Review of Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Website: The Global Autism Project
- Guide: New York State Office for People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD): Making Homes that Work
- Website: The Global and Regional Asperger Syndrome Partnership (GRASP)
- Website: Healthy Transitions
- Article: The Autism Society: School Transitions in the Elementary Grades
- Guide: Welcome to the Autistic Community
- Report: NCI Data Brief: What does NCI Tell Us About People with Autism? – An Update
- Website: Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America (RESNA)
- Website: The Clearinghouse for Home and Community Based Services
- Website: National Core Indicators (NCI)
- Report: Residential Services for Persons with Developmental Disabilities: Status and Trends Through 2010
- Website: Alliance for Full Participation
- Webpage: Web Accessibility Initiative: Introduction to Web Accessibility
- Website: Information and Technical Assistance Center for Councils on Developmental Disabilities (ITACC)
- Guide: Special Needs Alliance: Administering a Special Needs Trust
- Guide: Seattle Children’s Autism Center: Positive Bedtime Routine
- Article: The Autism Society: Establishing Positive Sleep Patterns for Children on the Autism Spectrum
- Guide: The Autism Society: Growing Up Together – Teens with Autism
- Guide: Rhode Island Department of Health: Resource Guide for Families of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Article: The Autism Society: Sibling Perspectives: Guidelines For Parents
- Fact Sheet: Autism NOW Fact Sheet: 社会保障
- Fact Sheet: Autism NOW Fact Sheet: 维护自己的权利
- Fact Sheet: Autism NOW Fact Sheet: 关系与性
- Fact Sheet: Autism NOW Fact Sheet: 个性化教育方案 (IEPs)
- Fact Sheet: Autism NOW Fact Sheet: 包容
- Fact Sheet: Autism NOW Fact Sheet: 未来规划
- Fact Sheet: Autism NOW Fact Sheet: 就业
- Fact Sheet: Autism NOW Fact Sheet: Seguro Social
- Fact Sheet: Autism NOW Fact Sheet: Autovaloración
- Fact Sheet: Autism NOW Fact Sheet: Relaciones y Sexualidad
- Fact Sheet: Autism NOW Fact Sheet: Programas Educativos Individualizados (IEP)
- Autism NOW Fact Sheet: Inclusión
- Fact Sheet: Autism NOW Fact Sheet: Planear el Futuro
- Fact Sheet: Autism NOW Fact Sheet: Empleo
- Fact Sheet: Autism NOW Fact Sheet: Social Security
- Fact Sheet: Autism NOW Fact Sheet: Self-Advocacy
- Fact Sheet: Autism NOW Fact Sheet: Relationships and Sexuality
- Fact Sheet: Autism NOW Fact Sheet: Individualized Education Programs
- Fact Sheet: Autism NOW Fact Sheet: Inclusion
- Fact Sheet: Center for Future Planning
- Fact Sheet: Autism NOW Fact Sheet: Employment
- Guide: Kids As Self Advocates: Travel Tip Sheet: Things to Remember When You Go On Trips!
- Website: Alliance for Technology Access
- Webpage: Safe Kids USA: Fire Safety and Burn Prevention For Children with Special Needs
- Toolkit: CDC: Go Out and Play! Kit
- Guide: The Autism Society: Puberty and Children on the Autism Spectrum
- Guide: National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research: Practical Oral Care for People with Autism
- Guide: Family Voices: Family Matters – Promoting Health and Wellness for Children with Special Health Care Need Family Booklet
- Guide: Kids As Self-Advocates: Getting a Job: Building Your Interview Skills
- Info Sheet: PACER Center: Be Your Own Best Advocate
- Toolkit: Pathways to Worship – Inclusive Congregation Toolkit
- Guide: Children’s Specialized Hospital: How to Talk to Your Child about an Autism Diagnosis
- Guide: The Autism Society of America: Next Steps – A Guide for Families New to Autism
- Guide: Children’s Specialized Hospital: Inclusion of Children with Special Needs in After School and Summer Programs
- Guide: Children’s Specialized Hospital: Tips for Selecting Toys for Children with Autism
- Website: Going to College
- Website: American Military Families Autism Support (AMFAS)
- Website: Autism After 16
- Website: National Autism Association: Autism Safety Initiative
- Website: Pathways to Worship
- Guide: A Closer Look at Housing Choices: A Housing Resource Guide for People with Developmental Disabilities
- Webpage: NCWD/Youth: Bulling and Disability Harassment in the Workplace: What Youth Should Know
- Guide: NCWD/Youth: Cyber Disclosure for Youth with Disabilities
- Website: National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability for Youth (NCWD/Youth)
- Article: NCWD/Youth: Helping Youth Build Work Skills for Job Success: Tips for Parents and Families
- Video: PACER Center: Special Education: What Do Parents Need to Know?
- Webpage: University of Missouri: Free Training Modules
- Guide: My Child’s Map to Services
- Article: The National Center on Educational Outcomes: Earning a High School Diploma through Alternative Routes
- Brochure: Autism, Epilepsy & Seizures
- Booklet: Autism and Faith: A Journey Into Community
- Website: Autism Family Services of New Jersey
- Guide: The Council for Disability Rights: A Parent’s Guide to Special Ed/Special Needs
- Website: Covina Development Center
- Website: Autism Housing Pathways
- Website: The Homestead
- Webpage: The Autism Program at Easter Seals Central Illinois
- Website: The West Virginia Autism Training at Marshall University
- Website: Oakland University Center for Autism Research, Education, and Support
- Website: The Collaborative Center at Eastern Michigan University
- Website: The Heart of Texas Autism Network (HOTAN)
- Website: Disability Scoop
- Website: Autism on the Seas
- Guide: iTaalk Autism Foundation: The iTaalk Top 30: Educational Apps to Get You Started, and All for Under $50!
- Website: iTaalk Autism Foundation
- Website: Inclusive Preparedness Center (IPC)
- Webpage: Special Needs Anti-Bullying Toolkit
- Website: Autism Asperger’s Digest
- Website: Future Horizons, Inc.
- Guide: Easter Seals: Helping Students with Autism
- Guide: Wisconsin Assistive Technology Initiative: Assistive Technology Supports for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Article: Think College!: A Prelude to Progress: The Evolution of Postsecondary Education for Students with Intellectual Disabilities
- Handbook: An Autistic View of Employment
- Website: National Council on Disability
- Webpage: U.S. Department of Transportation: Passengers with Disabilities
- Video: Inclusion Network: Values of Inclusion
- Website:
- Website: National Association of States United for Aging and Disabilities
- Research Brief: University of Minnesota: Postsecondary Education for Students with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
- Webpage: ASHA: Internet – ASD Social Skills Websites
- Webpage: The Watson Institute: Behavior Stories
- Webpage: Minnesota Low Incidence Projects: Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)
- Guide: Minnesota Autism Project: Using Visual Supports to Improve Work Skills and Reduce Unwanted Behavior on the Job
- Powerpoint: Indiana State University: Behavior Management and Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Guide: Challenging Behavior and Autism: A Guide for Transportation Personnel
- Website: US Autism & Asperger Association (USAAA)
- Webpage: Autism Speaks: Apps for Autism
- Guide: Navigating Autism Services: A Community Guide for Missouri
- Guide: Autism Speaks: Dental Guide
- Guide: National Museum of Dentistry: Healthy Smiles for Autism
- Webpage: First Signs: ASD Video Glossary
- Guide: OAR: Life Journey through Autism: A Guide for Military Families
- Website: Disabled World
- Guide: No Box to Tick
- Website: Religion and Spirituality Division of the AAIDD
- Webpage: Region of Peel: Healthy Sexuality
- Webpage: CDC: Disability & Health Data System
- Research Brief: University of Minnesota: Status of Institutional Closure Efforts in 2005
- Website: iBelong!
- Guide: Vanderbilt Kennedy Center: iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch Education Apps
- Website: Vanderbilt Kennedy Center: Family Outreach Center
- Website: United We Ride
- Website: DOL: Office of Disability Employment Policy
- Website: CDC: Study to Explore Early Development (SEED)
- Website: American Public Transportation Association: Public Transit in Your Community
- Brief: University of Minnesota: A Qualitative Study of the Experiences of Transition-Age Youth with Disabilities in Relation to SSI Redetermination
- Guide: Institute for Community Inclusion: Teaching Networking Skills: Paving a Way to Jobs and Careers
- Handbook: CDC: Milestone Moments Booklet
- Guide: CDC: How Many Fruits and Vegetables Do You Need?
- Guide: CARD: Parents’ Guide to Preparing for an IEP
- Guide: CARD: Autism & the Hospital Emergency Room
- Vanderbilt Kennedy Center: Inclusion in the Classroom
- Fact Sheet: Vanderbilt Kennedy Center: Inclusion in a Faith Community
- Fact Sheet: SSA: Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Facts
- Website: Cyberbullying: What Is Cyberbullying and How to Stop It
- Website: University of Minnesota: Institute on Community Integration
- Website: MyAutismTeam
- Website: Look Back, Plan Forward
- Website: Grandparent Autism Network
- Website: Easter Seals Project Action (ESPA)
- Website: Transportation
- Guide: Autism: Reaching for a Bright Future – Service Guidelines for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders through the Lifespan
- Guide: CARD: Airports, Airplanes, & Autism
- Guide: The Autism Society of America: Growing Up Together
- Guide: Kentucky’s Family Guide to Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Toolkit: Autism Speaks: School Community Tool Kit
- Fact Sheet: CDC: Asperger Syndrome
- Article: Marital Quality and Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)
- Article: Impact: Best Practices in Promoting Friendship Development for Students with ASD
- Handbook: Plan De Estudios Para La Autovaloración
- Handbook: A Curriculum for Self Advocates
- Website: Premise Alert System
- Website: CAST: Center for Applied Special Technology
- Website: NICHCY: Accommodations in Assessment
- Website: Children’s Specialized Hospital: “Friends Like You. Friends Like Me.”
- Website: ALEC: The Autism and Law Enforcement Education Coalition
- Guide: Friends Like You. Friends Like Me.: Friendship Booklet
- Guide: University of Illinois at Chicago: Express Yourself! Assessing Self-Determination in Your Life
- Guide: Texas Guide for Effective Teaching Self-Determination Strategies
- Guide: Institute on Community Inclusion – Starting with Me: A Guide to Person-Centered Planning for Job Seekers
- Guide: Autism & Law Enforcement: 25 Field Response Tips
- Fact Sheet: Virginia Commonwealth University – Supporting Individuals with Significant Disabilities: The Roles of a Job Coach
- Fact Sheet: CDC: Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Book: Developing Talents: Careers for Individuals with Asperger’s Syndrome and High-functioning Autism by Temple Grandin and Kate Duffy
- Book: CDC: Amazing Me: It’s Busy Being 3!
- Handbook: Relationships and Sexuality
- Guide: Autism NOW Health Promotion
- Article: National Center on Secondary Education and Transition: Bullying and Teasing of Youth With Disabilities: Creating Positive School Environment for Effective Inclusion
- Website: The University of Oregon: Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD)
- Website:
- Website: University of Illinois at Chicago: Institute on Disability & Human Development – Sexuality & Disability Consortium
- Website: U.S. Department of Labor: Increasing Disability Employment in the Federal Government
- Website: Sexuality Resource Center for Parents: For Parents of Children with Developmental Disabilities
- Website: NICHCY: Sexuality Education for Students with Disabilities
- Academic Research: Self-directed learning of child-care skills by parents with intellectual disabilities
- Guide: Walk a Mile In Their Shoes – Bullying and the Child with Special Needs
- Guide: Green Mountain Self-Advocates: Abuse
- Guide: Center for Autism and Related Disabilities: Autism & the Faith Community
- Guide: U.S. Department of Labor: Building an Inclusive Workforce
- Fact Sheet: Sexuality & Disability Consortium: Myths and Misperceptions of Disability and Sexuality
- Website: Texas Statewide Leadership for Autism Training
- Website: Autism Internet Modules
- Website: Self Advocates United as 1
- Website: Academic Autistic Spectrum Partnership in Research and Education (AASPIRE)
- Website: Transition to College: Resources
- Website: Regional Oral History Office: Leaders with Developmental Disabilities in the Self-Advocacy Movement
- Website: NYLN: Reap What You Sow Curriculum and Training
- Academic Research: A National Gateway to Self-Determination: Self-Determination and People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: What Does Research Tell Us?
- Guide: Planning Now: A Futures and Estate Planning Guide for Families of Children and Adults with Developmental Disabilities
- Guide: Autism Speaks: Transition Tool Kit
- Fact Sheet: NICHCY: Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Article: Council for Exceptional Children: “R U Ready?” Helping Students Assess Their Readiness for Postsecondary Education
- Article: Autism in adults
- Website: Self-Advocacy Online
- Website: Pathway at UCLA Extension
- Website: Inclusion Werks
- Website: DO-IT (Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking, and Technology)
- Website: Workforce 3 One – Disability and Employment
- Report: U.S. Department of Education: Analysis of State Bullying Laws and Policies
- Guide: It’s My Choice
- Guide: North Carolina Recreation Resource Guide 2005
- Guide: The Kansas Personal Assistance Supports and Services (KPASS) Self-Direction Toolkit
- Article: A Few Words About People First Language
- Website: University of Missouri: Roadmap to the Future: Transitioning into Adulthood with ASD
- College Program: The Kennesaw State University: Academy for Inclusive Learning and Social Growth
- Website: JobTIPS
- Website: National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities: Transition Planning
- Website: Project Access High School Transition Program for Students with Disabilities
- Website: – Resources for Disabilities
- Research: Supervising Employees with Autism
- Guide: Adult Autism and Employment: A Guide for Vocational Rehabilitation Professionals
- Guide: College Planning for Students with Disabilities
- Fact Sheet: Tips for Teens – Use Your IEP Meetings to Learn How to Advocate for Yourself
- Website: The National Professional Development Center on Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Website: – National Technical Assistance Center for Voting and Cognitive Access
- Website: APSE
- Website: National Fire Protection Association – People with Disabilities
- Multimedia: Feeling Safe, Being Safe
- Multimedia: ADA National Network – Overview of Disability Rights Laws
- Brief: Supporting individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders – Quality Employment Practices
- Guide: Accessible Information Exchange – Meeting on a Level Playing Field
- Guide: The Journey to Adulthood – What Parents Need to Know
- Fact Sheet: Postsecondary Education and Employment Outcomes for Youth with Intellectual Disabilities
- Article: Building a Resume – Tips for Youth with Disabilities
- Website: ServiceSource Network
- Website: Project Lifesaver International
- Website: Thinking Ahead: My Life at the End
- Website: The IOD Bookstore at the New Hampshire Institute on Disabilities
- Website: National Fire Protection Association – Autism Information
- Website: Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (ADDM) Network
- Website: Family Caregiver Briefcase
- Multimedia: Partners in Policymaking – E-Learning Courses
- Report: PACER’s 2010 FAST Family Support Survey: National Results
- Academic Research: Working with Autism and Other Social-Communication Disorders
- Guide: The United States Congress – Rosa’s Law
- Fact Sheet: Effective Communication
- Academic Research: Piecing Together the Autism Puzzle NIH Researchers Tackling the Problem on All Fronts
- Article: Inclusion and the Other Kids
- Website: Washington Assistive Technology Act Program (WATAP)
- Website: UNH Institute on Disability
- Website: The Autism Women’s Network
- Website: State Employment Leadership Network
- Website: National Agenda for Family Support
- Website: Institute for Community Inclusion –
- Website: Community Law Enforcement Aware Response – Resources
- Website: UNH Institute on Disability – National Center on Inclusive Education
- Website: Green Mountain Self-Advocates – Hire Up Lesson Plans
- Website: Green Mountain Self-Advocates – Get the Life You Want: A Transition Toolbox
- Academic Research: Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adolescents with Autistic Apectrum Disorders: A Meta-Analysis
- Brief: The Future of Children: Topic Brief – The SSI Program for Children: Time for a Change?
- Website: The Riot!
- Website: The National Center for Family/Professional Partnerships
- Website: Parent Technical Assistance Center Network
- Website: PACER’s National Family Advocacy and Support Training Project
- Website: PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center
- Website: OCALI – Assistive Technology Center
- Website: Kids As Self Advocates (KASA)
- Website: Family Voices
- Website: Data Resource Center for Child and Adolescent Health
- Website: Bright Futures for Families
- Website: Bridging Apps
- Website: Apps for Children with Special Needs
- Website: Moms with Apps: Apps for Special Needs
- Website: Center for Disease Control and Prevention-Disability and Health, Emergency Preparedness
- Report: Prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) Among Multiple Areas of the United States in 2008
- Website: The National Gateway for Self-Determination
- Website: State of the States in Developmental Disabilities 2011
- Website: Department of Defense – MilitaryINSTALLATIONS
- Website: Department of Defense – Education Directory for Children with Special Needs
- Website: Center for Self Determination
- Website: Center for Personal Assistance Services
- Website: Youth Information Documents
- Website: MilitaryHOMEFRONT – Moving and Relocation
- Website: MilitaryHOMEFRONT – Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP)
- Website: Department of Defense Education Activity – Special Education
- Website: Department of Defense – Military Families with Special Needs
- Guide: Understanding Medicaid Home and Community Services: A Primer
- Guide: Reaching and Teaching Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Best Practices Guide
- Guide: U.S. Department of Justice – A Guide to Disability Rights Laws
- Article: Autism Society of Greater Cleveland – Sexuality Education for Children and Youth with Disabilities
- Website: The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
- Website: The Autism Safety Project
- Website: SafePlace
- Website: Safe Kids, USA
- Website: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid: Medical Dental Coverage
- Website: Best Buddies International
- Website: AWAARE Collaboration
- Website: A Child Is Missing Alert Program
- Website: Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)
- Website: The National Autistic Society: Sex Education and Children and Young People with an ASD
- Website: – Self-Employment
- Website: – Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan
- Handbook: US Department of Education – Students with Disabilities Preparing for Postsecondary Education
- Website: – Emergency Preparedness
- Website: Help Guide – Stress Management: How to Reduce, Prevent, and Cope with Stress
- Website: Center for Accessible Society – People with Disabilities and Voting
- Website: National Empowerment Center – Personal Care Attendant (PCA)
- Website: Connecticut Community Care, Inc – Emergency Preparedness
- College Program: University of Connecticut – Strategic Education for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (SEAD)
- College Program: George Mason University – Mason LIFE Program
- College Program: Western Kentucky University: Kelly Autism Program – College and Circle of Support
- College Program: Farleigh Dickinson University – COMPASS
- College Programs: Adelphi University – Bridges to Adelphi
- College Program: University of Arkansas – Autism Support Program
- Website:
- Website: The Child Mind Institute
- Website: Transportation Security Administration: TSA Cares
- Website: Travelers with Disabilities and Medical Conditions
- Website: Respite Care: Offers Caregivers a Needed Break
- Website: MassWorks: Disclosure of Disability: Before the Job Interview? After? Or Never?
- Website: Autism Society: Safety In The Home
- Website: Autism Research Institute: Self-Management
- Website: Autism Research Institute: Making the Transition from the World of School into the World of Work
- Multimedia: Yale University: Introduction to Yale’s Autism Seminar
- Multimedia: I Am Autistic Television Show
- Website: The West Virginia Autism Training Center at Marshall University
- Website: Foundation for Autism Support and Training
- Website: Autism and Considerations in Recreation and Physical Activity Settings
- Website: Executive Functioning and Theory of Mind
- Website: Disaster Preparedness for People on the Autism Spectrum and their Supporters
- Website: Dating, Marriage, and Autism: A Personal Perspective
- Website: Autism, Dating and Socialization
- Academic Research: Behavioral and Developmental Interventions for Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Clinical Systematic Review
- Guide: National Clearinghouse on Disability and Exchange: Respectful Disability Language
- Fact Sheet: The National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (NCBDD): Overweight and Obesity Among People with Disabilities
- Book Catalog: Jessica Kingsley Publishers
- Book Catalog: Brookes Publishers
- Website: The Kennedy Krieger Institute: Rules of the Road: Driving and ASD
- Article: Autism Research Institute: Keys to Successful Independent Living, Employment and a Good Social Life for Individuals with Autism and Asperger’s
- Article: Autism Research Institute: Choosing the Right Job for People with Autism or Asperger’s Syndrome
- Report: ‘My Thinker’s Not Working’
- Website: Quality Indicators for Assistive Technology Services
- Website: AAC Institute
- Website: Glossary of Terms, Phrases & Acronyms Used in the California Disability Services Systems
- Website: Employers’ Practical Guide to Reasonable Accommodation
- Website: Developing Academic Accommodations Promoting Successful Inclusion
- Website: Bullying in School
- Website: Texas Assistive Technology Network (TATN)
- Website: California Senate Select Committee on Autism & Related Disorders
- Website: The ADA Amendments Act of 2008
- Guide: Special Education Technology British Columbia: Making It Work
- Academic Research: Understanding the Continuum of Discrete-Trial Traditional Behavioral to Social-Pragmatic Developmental Approaches in Communication
- Academic Research: Challenges in Evaluating Psychosocial Interventions for Autistic Spectrum Disorders
- Academic Research: Evaluation of Comprehensive Treatment Models for Individuals with ASD
- Fact Sheet: Workplace Bullying and Disruptive Behavior – What Everyone Needs to Know
- Article: Benefits Counselors: Who are They and Do I Need One?
- Website: The Koegel Autism Center
- Reports: Most Effective Models of Practice in Early Intervention for Children with ASD
- Website: RDI Program for Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Website: Autism Connect MD
- Training Materials: How To Teach Pivotal Behaviors to Children with Autism
- Website: Effective Intervention Program Features
- Website: Relationship Development Intervention
- Website: Integrated Play Groups
- Academic Research: Early Intervention in Autism
- Research Brief: Incidental Teaching
- Multimedia: Division TEACCH
- Guide: The SCERTS Model
- Book: Pivotal Response Treatments for Autism
- Website: Project SPIES – Incidental Learning
- Website: Autism Network International
- Website: Association for Behavior Analysis International
- Website: First Signs – Screening
- Website: ESDM (Denver Model)
- Blogs/Social Media: Autism Wiki
- Multimedia: The LEAP Model of Early Intervention for Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Brief: Incidental Teaching
- Book: Engaging Autism – Using the Floortime Approach to Help Children Relate, Communicate, and Think
- Book: Educating Children with Autism
- Book: Early Start Denver Model for Young Children with Autism – Promoting Language, Learning, and Engagement
- Website: The Catalyst Center
- Website: President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports
- Website: PE Central Adapted Physical Activity
- Website: National Consortium for Physical Education and Recreation for Individuals with Disabilities
- Website: National Center on Physical Activity and Disability
- Website: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Website: Centers for Disease Control – Act Early, Learn the Signs
- Website: American Camp Association
- Website: American Association for Physical Activity and Recreation
- Website: Physical Activity Guidelines
- Report: Report to Congress on Activities Related to Autism Spectrum Disorders and Other Developmental Disabilities Under the Combating Autism Act of 2006
- Academic Research: Identifying Physical Activity Determinants in Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Academic Research: Increasing Children’s Physical Activity: A Peer Modeling, Rewards and Pedometers-based Intervention
- Brief: The Affordable Care Act – A Side-by-Side Comparison for Children with Special Needs
- Training Materials: The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
- Training Materials: The TONI-4 Test
- Training Materials: Videos on Autism Awareness Training for First Responders
- Training Materials: Autism Risk and Safety Management
- Articles: National Fire and Prevention Association Quarterly Newsletter
- Website: I Know My Fire Safety Plan
- Website: U.S. Business Leadership Network
- Website: Think College!
- Website: Special Olympics
- Website: Ticket to Work
- Website: Social Security Work Incentives
- Website: U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy: Youth Programs
- Website: The Clearinghouse for Home and Community Based Services
- Website: National Collaborative of Workforce and Disability for Youth – Family Page
- Website: Internship Information from the National Business and Disability Council
- Website: Independent Living Research Utilization – Directory of Centers
- Fact Sheets: Policy, Training and Technical Assistance for Providers – Customized Employment
- Toolkit: Making the Move to Managing Your Own Personal Assistance Services
- Fact Sheet: ADA Q&A – The ADA, Section 504 & Postsecondary Education
- Brief: Parent Brief – Age of Majority
- Website: Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP) – Youth Page
- Website: US Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy – Education: Student Resources
- Website: US Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy – Education: Parent Resources
- Website: US Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy – Education: Educator Resources
- Website: National Consortium on Leadership and Disability for Youth
- Website: Jobs4Autism
- Website: Job Accommodation Network (JAN)
- Website: U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP):
- Website: American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD): Summer Internships Program
- Website: American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD): Greater Washington Internship Coalition
- Website: American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD): Disability Mentoring Day
- Guide: Disability Policy and Studies, University of Missouri – Adult Autism and Employment: A guide for rehabilitation professionals
- Fact Sheet: Job Accommodation Network (JAN) – Job Accommodations for People with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)
- Guide: Learning Disabilities Association of America: Summary of Performance Template
- Brief: Connecticut State Department of Education: Writing Transition Goals and Objectives
- Fact Sheet: ALLIANCE National Parent Technical Assistance Center: Parent Tips for Transition Planning
- Guide: Wrightslaw – Individualized Education Programs
- Guide: Student Resource Guide on Transition
- Website: The SCERTS Model
- Website: Parent to Parent USA
- Website: National Secondary Transition Technical Assistance Center
- Website: National Association of Area Agencies on Aging
- Website: Kentucky Youth Advocacy Project
- Website: Interdisciplinary Council on Developmental and Learning Disorders – About DIR/Floortime
- Website: Family Village
- Website: Association for Science in Autism Treatment
- Website: ALLIANCE National Parent Technical Assistance Center
- Website: Advance CLASS
- Website: Environmental Health Initiative
- Training Materials: Cultural Competence – Do You Have It
- Website: Pivotal Response Training
- Website: Diversity and Cultural Competency
- Website: Conceptual Frameworks/Models, Guiding Values and Principles
- Website: Early Intensive Behavior Intervention
- Website: National Sibling Research Consortium
- Handbook: Supporting Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Website: Sibling Support Project
- Academic Research: Evidence-based Comprehensive Treatments for Early Autism
- Academic Research: Comprehensive Synthesis of Early Intensive Behavioral Interventions for Young Children with Autism based on the UCLA Young Autism Project Model
- Website: Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Aging with Developmental Disabilities
- Report: Jobs by 21 Partnership Project Report for 2008
- Academic Research: Collaborating to Support Participation in Recreational Activities of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Website: Parent Training and Information Centers and Community Parent Resource Centers
- Website: The PACER Center
- Academic Research: Peer Relationships and Social and Recreational Activities among Adolescents and Adults with Autism
- Guide: Life Journey through Autism
- Fact Sheet: ASD and the IEP
- Website: Oakland University Center for Autism Research, Education and Support
- Toolkit: Age Appropriate Transition Assessment Kit
- Multimedia: Writing Postsecondary Goals Video Resources
- Fact Sheet: Autistic Access Needs: Notes on Accessibility
- Website: National Secondary Transition Technical Assistance Center Resources
- Website: National Inclusion Project
- Fact Sheet: Questions and Answers About IDEA – Parent Participation
- Website: All about the IEP
- Website: All About the IDEA
- Multimedia: National Association of State Directors of Developmental Disability Services
- Website: Military Child Education Coalition
- Multimedia: Family Resource Centers List
- Book: Developing Cross-Cultural Competence
- Academic Research: Behavioral Treatment and Normal Educational and Intellectual Functioning in Autistic Children
- Website: Kids Included Together
- Fact Sheet: Cultural Competence Plan
- Article: Aging and People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
- Website: Self-Determination Project
- Academic Research: Recommendations for Research, Advocacy, and Supports Relating to Siblings
- Book: Health Matters
- Handbook: Green Mountain Self-Advocates Handbook
- Guide: Maneuvering Through the Maze – A Family Resource Guide
- Guide: Secondary Transition Planning
- Guide: Dare to Dream: A Guide to Planning Your Future
- Toolkit: Life After High School Transition Kit
- Guide: Writing the Transition Plan in the IEP
- Multimedia: End of Life Through a Cultural Lens
- Training Materials: Promoting Cultural Diversity and Cultural Competence
- Multimedia: Achieving Cultural Competence in Organizations
- Research: Cultural Competence Continuum
- Fact Sheet: Health Care Reform Improves Access to Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services
- Fact Sheet: Parent Tips for Transition Planning
- Guide: Advocating Change Together (ACT): Self-Advocacy Quick Guide
- Fact Sheet: Diversity and Cultural Competency in Disability Advocacy Initiative
- Website: Autism Transition Handbook – An Online Resource for Families
- Website: Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act of 2000: An Introduction
- Blog: Writing Effective IEP Goals and Objectives: Suggestions for Teachers and Parents
- Social Media: Circle of Moms: Moms of Multiple Children with Autism
- Website: Building the Legacy: IDEA 2004
- Brief: Cultural and Linguistic Competence in Family Supports
- Brief: Implementing the Affordable Care Act
- Brief: Transition Service Integration Model
- Book: Social Policy for Children and Families
- Book: Your Values, My Values
- Book: Integrated Self-Advocacy Curriculum
- Academic Research: Facilitate the Transition from High School to Community Employment
- Fact Sheet: Accessibility Guidelines for Speakers
- Guide: Navigating College – A Handbook on Self-Advocacy Written for Autistic Students from Autistic Adults
- Report: The FINDS Report
- Book: Health Matters: The Exercise and Nutrition Health Education Curriculum for People with Developmental Disabilities
- Articles: Impact – Feature Issue on Aging and People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
- Website: Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Aging with Developmental Disabilities
- Website: Supports Intensity Scale
Blog Posts
- I’ve Got A Stat For You: My Life with Autism
- Autism Surveys
- I’m Not Broken: What this Washington reporter with autism wants you to understand.
- Help Your Child with Autism Give Thoughtful Gifts to Loved Ones
- My Autism and Poetry speech in Marlboro and The Dirty Dottys win the New England Music Awards show
- Talking Parents Survey
- Moving Through the Eyes of Autism
- 6 Tips for Surviving a Get-Together for Your Child with Autism & Sensory Needs
- A Parent’s Introduction to Applied Behavioral Analysis
- Celebrating Catalysts for Employment
- Book Review: This is Not a Love Story
- Calming Clipper
- My 28th Birthday
- Book Review: The Autistic author and animator: a mother’s view of a daughter’s triumph By: Janet Walmsley
- Book Review: of “Outcasts on A Distant Moon: Dysnomia” by Jenny Story
- 100 Lessons to Understand and Support Girls and Women with Asperger’s
- Does My Child Have SPD?
- Doggy Adventures
- Review of “Living autism” by Pamela Bryson-Weaver
- My July 4th Weekend in Marshfield
- The Learning Styles of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- The Emperor, C’est Moi
- Autism and sensory children
- Autism Acceptance – Accept Me, Not A Label
- Spring Awakening
- Basic Reciprocal Conversation Skills: Listening (Part 1 of 5)
- What it is really like to be diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) as an adult
- My San Diego Trip
- My 27th Birthday Celebrations
- My Summer Aspirations
- Music Therapy
- Grief and Bereavement
- How I Lost the Burden of Shame
- Sensory Issue Basics
- Why I Like Strings: Reflections on an ‘Aspie’ Habit
- What People Should Know About Me
- Dear Teacher
- Acceptance of Autism
- Bereavement and Autism: A Universal Experience with Unique Challenges
- A Story
- Being Autistic Among Those Who Aren’t
- April is Autism Awareness Month
- A Parent’s Perspective: Housing
- Dream a Little Dream
- Housing
- IBT’s Top Ten Holiday Tips Minimize Challenges for Children with Autism and Their Families
- The Real Life Story of Charlie Threatt
- Helping Individuals with Disabilities during Emergency Situations
- Safety
- Autism^2
- Self-Determination and Quality of Life
- Frequently Asked Questions about Special Needs Trusts
- Working People with Developmental Disabilities – A Novice’s Perspective
- Back to School
- Service Learning
- Better Living Through Prosthetic Brain Parts
- Pride
- Outstanding Advocate of the Year
- Ten Commandments of Parents with Kids on the Autism Spectrum
- Independence
- Identity Theft
- Top Technology Companies Coming to Convention
- National Convention Preconference Dedicated to Self Advocacy
- From the Director: Welcome to the Family
- Living My Dream: A Panel Discussion
- I am Loud
- Can’t You See
- Accommodating Ourselves
- Cooking and Gaining Independence
- Words
- Self-Advocates Are Speaking Up About Having a Sweetie
- Autism Acceptance
- Living With Autism in The Classroom
- Bullying: Then and Now (A Personal Perspective)
- Autistic Body Language
- My Definition of Autism
- Dear well-meaning strangers
- Go Jonathan!
- Living with Autism in the Community
- Awareness Is Not Enough
- My Definition of Autism
- Acceptance vs. Awareness
- Brotherly Bond
- Becoming Whole: A Sibling’s Story
- What advice would you give a family member about the importance of a person getting involved in self advocacy?
- Asperger’s Means That
- The Important Issues Self-Advocates are Speaking Up About
- Empowerment
- Growing Up in an Institution
- Plants Outside the Shade
- My Washington DC Internship
- Candlelight
- The Ways Belonging To A Self-Advocacy Group Makes A Difference In Your Life
- What Reading Self Advocate Blogs Does
- You, Empowered: Starting an Autism Initiative in the Local Community
- Vote: It’s Empowering!
- Remarkable Achievements
- Preparing for College for Individuals with ASD and Other Disabilities
- Incorporating Students with Autism in Your Classroom: Dennis’s Story
- Five Tips for Leaving Summer Behind
- The iPad and Apps: How to Find the Best Apps for You
- Summer Social Stories Help Bring Back the Routine
- An Introduction to Social Stories
- Vacation Planning Tips for Parents
- All About Bullying
- Planning for Summer Fun
- Equal Employment for Persons with Disabilities
- Typing to Communicate and Finding a Voice
- Things My Sibling Taught Me
- Who’s Ready for BBQ?
- Memorial Day, Fun Traditions for All!
- Seeing the World Differently
- Autism, Being Autistic and Acceptance
- We Need to Listen
- Why Autism Acceptance Matters
- How to Educate Important People in your Neighborhood
- April had to End, But Autism Awareness Does Not
- Nicole LeBlanc: My Story On Growing Up As A Kid With Autism
- The Acceptance Letter
- 10 Ways You Can Promote Autism Acceptance: A Professional’s View
- Growing up with Plato
- Join the Conversation
- Safety Tips to Avoid Victimization of a Crime
- Welcoming Autism Awareness Month
- Stand Up for Autism Awareness and Acceptance!
- Overcoming Obstacles to the Participation of Children and Adults with Autism in Religious Services
- Achievements of Women with Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Escaping to Paradise
- Spread Some Awareness in Your World!
- Emergency Preparedness for People with Developmental Disabilities
- Preparedness for Individuals Who Tend to Wander or Flee
- Be Prepared
- Emergency Preparedness Tips from SABE
- Health and Wellness Tips for People with Developmental Disabilities in the New Year
- New Year’s Resolution – Let’s Do Something About Bullying
- It’s a New Year – Now What?
- Find Help During the Holidays with Hotlines
- Holiday Break?
- Introducing New Co-Director Amy Goodman
- Happy Holidays from the Autism NOW Center
- Raising Awareness on Technology Options for People with Autism
- A Year of Hope, Inspiration and Empowerment
- The First Autism NOW Center Regional Summit: A Parent’s Perspective
- Comments from Self-Advocates…
- Together We Can Do So Much
- A View from the Podium
- Behind the Scenes at the First Regional Summit
- A Huge Thank You!
- National Advisory Committee Update
- The Journey from Struggle to Strength
- Focus on Where You’re Heading
- Autism, Awareness and Acceptance
- The DD Act’s Self-Determination Principles
- A Chance to Connect
- Just Imagine
- Research on Aging with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Issues and Progress
- Siblings of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Transition Planning and College for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Leisure Time and Young People with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Stigmatization of People with Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Post-Transition Services, Activities, and Relationships for Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Arts-based Interventions for Persons with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Travel and Autism
- Resources for Learning About Sexuality
- Helpful Links to Assistive Technology
- Financial Resources to Rent and Buy a Home
- Disclosure 101: Law, Practice and Reality for Autistic Adults During Disclosure
- Bullying and Autism Spectrum Disorder
- What is an Individualized Education Program (IEP)
- Developmental Relationship-Based Approaches To Educating Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Reasonable Accommodations and Accessibility in Housing
- Implications of the Concept of Neurodiversity for Practice and Research
- Children with Special Health Care Needs
- Contemporary Applied Behavior Analysis Approaches
- The Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP)/Food Stamps
- Parent and Adult Communities
- Autism and Adult Diagnosis
- Dual Diagnosis: People with Autism and Dealing with Mental Health Challenges
- Accessing Developmental Disabilities Services for Adults
- Family Support Systems Navigation Model
Local Agencies
- Easter Seals Midwest
- ENDependence Center of Northern Virginia, Inc. (ECNV)
- The Asperger/Autism Network (AANE)
- Spectrum College Transition Program
- Self Esteem Education and Development in Sexuality (SEEDS)
- Indiana Resource Center for Autism
- Allies, Inc.
- The Autism Project
- About Special Kids!
- Autism Action Partnership
- Exceptional Parents Unlimited (EPU)
- The Autism Research & Resources of Oregon (ARRO)
- The Washington State Fathers Network (WSFN)
- Vermont Family Network: Autism
- Parents Allied with Children & Teachers for Tomorrow (PACTT)
- The Vermont Transition Guide
- Autism Community Network of El Paso
- Northeast Arc Autism Support Center
- Mothers on a Mission, Inc.
- Champions of Autism & ADHD
- Autism Resource Network of Northwest Michigan
- Red Treehouse
- Center for Autism Research: Autism Resource Guide
- DC Partners in Transition
- Pacific Autism Center for Education (PACE)
- The Autism Program of Illinois (TAP)
- The Arc of Natrona County
- Magic City Enterprises
- The Arc of Laramie County
- Child Development Center Region II
- Waupaca County Arc
- The Arc of Washington County
- Richland County Arc
- The Arc of Racine County
- The Arc – Monroe County
- Lincoln County Arc
- Langlade County Arc
- The Arc – Green County
- The Arc of Fond du Lac
- The Arc Eau Claire
- The Arc of Dunn County
- The Arc of Dodge County
- The Arc Dane County
- The Arc of Columbia County
- The Arc of the Three Rivers
- The Arc of Ohio County
- The Arc of the Mid Ohio Valley
- The Arc of Harrison County
- The Arc of Yakima County
- The Arc of Whatcom County
- The Arc of Tri-Cities
- The Arc of Kitsap & Jefferson Counties
- The Arc of Spokane
- The Arc of Southwest Washington
- The Arc of Snohomish County
- The Arc of King County
- The Arc of Island and Skagit
- The Arc of Grays Harbor
- The Arc of Warren County
- The Arc of the Virginia Peninsula
- The Arc of Southside
- The Arc of Southern Virginia
- The Arc South of the James
- The Arc of South Hampton Roads
- Arc – Smyth County
- The Arc of Rockbridge
- The Arc of the Roanoke Valley
- The Greater Richmond ARC
- The Arc of the Piedmont
- The Arc of Northern Virginia
- The Arc of Northern Shenandoah Valley
- The Arc of North Central Virginia
- The Arc for the New River Valley
- The Arc of Loudoun
- Arc of Lenowisco
- The Arc of Harrisonburg and Rockingham
- Hanover Arc
- The Arc of Greater Williamsburg
- The Arc of Greater Prince William/INSIGHT
- Arc – Eastern Shore
- The Arc of Central Virginia
- The Arc of Augusta
- The Arc of Washington County
- The Arc Wichita County
- The Arc of Wharton
- The Arc of Spring Branch Memorial
- The Arc of Smith County
- The Arc of San Antonio
- The Arc of San Angelo
- The Arc of Potter and Randall Counties
- The Arc of Panola County
- The Arc of Northeast Tarrant County
- The Arc of Milam
- The Arc of McLennan County
- The Arc of Matagorda County
- The Arc of Katy
- Howard County Arc
- The Arc of the Hill Country
- The Arc of Harrison County
- The Arc of the Gulf Coast
- The Arc of Gregg County
- The Arc of Greater Tarrant County
- The Arc of Greater Houston
- The Arc of Greater Beaumont
- The Arc of Gillespie County
- The Arc of Fort Bend County
- The Arc of El Campo
- The Arc of Denton County
- The Arc Del Paso
- The Arc of Dallas
- The Arc of Cypress Creek
- The Arc of the Capital Area
- The Arc of Calhoun County
- The Arc of Bryan-College Station
- The Arc of Brown County
- The Arc of Bell County
- The Arc of Williamson County
- The Arc of Washington County
- The Arc of Hamilton County
- The Arc of Cumberland Valley
- The Arc of Mid-South
- Knox County Arc
- Hickman County Arc
- The Arc of Dickson County
- The Arc of Davidson County
- The Arc of Cumberland County
- The Arc of Coffee and Moore Counties
- The Arc Anderson County
- Oahe Arc
- Grant County Arc
- The Arc of Pickens County
- The Arc of Coastal Carolina
- Fogarty Center
- The Arc of Blackstone Valley
- The Arc of York County
- Arc of Wayne County
- The Arc of Washington County
- The Arc of Armstrong County
- The Arc of Adams County
- The Arc Alliance
- The Arc, Susquehanna Valley
- Arc of Schuylkill County
- The Arc of Philadelphia
- The Arc of Northeastern Pennsylvania
- Arc of Mercer County
- Arc of Luzerne County
- The Arc of Lehigh & Northampton Counties
- The Arc of Lancaster County
- The Arc of Jefferson and Clearfield Counties
- The Arc of Indiana County
- Greene Arc
- The Arc of Franklin & Fulton Counties
- Arc of Fayette County
- The Arc of Erie County
- The Arc of Delaware County
- The Arc of Dauphin County
- The Arc of Cumberland & Perry Counties
- The Arc of Crawford County
- The Arc of Clarion and Venango Counties
- The Arc of Chester County
- Arc of Centre County
- Arc of Cambria County
- The Arc of Butler County
- The Arc of Blair County
- The Arc of Washington County
- The Arc of Umatilla County
- Tillamook County Arc
- The Arc of Polk County
- The Arc of Multnomah Clackamas
- The Arc of Mid-Columbia
- The Arc of Marion County
- The Arc of Linn County
- The Arc of Lane County
- The Arc Jackson County
- The Arc of Central Oregon
- The Arc of Benton County
- Washington County Arc
- The Arc of Summit and Portage Counties
- The Arc Hamilton County
- Shelby County Arc
- The Arc of Ottawa County
- Society For The Handicapped of Medina County
- The Arc of Lucas County
- The Arc of Greater Cleveland
- The Arc of Erie County
- The Arc Clark County
- Butler County Arc
- Auglaize County Arc
- The Arc of Ashtabula County
- The Arc of Allen County
- The Arc, Upper Valley
- Little Missouri Arc
- The Arc of Dickinson
- The Arc of Cass County
- The Arc of Bismarck
- The Arc of Barnes County
- The Arc of Wilson County
- The Arc of Union County
- The Arc of Chatham County
- The Arc of Surry County
- Monarch
- The Arc Rowan
- The Arc of Rockingham County
- The Arc Person County
- The Arc of Orange County
- The Arc of Moore County
- The Arc of Mecklenburg County
- The Arc of High Point
- The Arc of Haywood County
- Harnett County Arc
- The Arc Greensboro
- The Arc of Gaston County
- The Enrichment Center
- The Arc of Davidson County
- The Arc of Craven County
- Arc Cherokee-Clay
- The Arc of Buncombe County
- The Arc of Beaufort County
- The Arc of Alamance County
- Arc of Yates
- Westchester Arc
- West Seneca Development Center Arc
- Welfare League (Letchworth Village Developmental Center) Arc
- Wayne ARC
- Warren & Washington ARC
- Ulster-Greene Arc
- The Arc of Steuben
- The Arc of Rockland
- Sullivan Arc
- Suffolk AHRC
- St. Lawrence Arc
- Seneca Cayuga Arc
- Schoharie ARC
- Schenectady ARC
- Saratoga Bridges, NYSARC
- Rome Tri-County Arc
- The Arc of Rensselaer County
- The Arc Otsego
- Arc of Oswego County
- The Arc of Orleans County
- Orange County AHRC
- Opportunities Unlimited of Niagara
- Ontario Arc
- The Arc of Onondaga
- The Arc of Oneida-Lewis
- Nassau AHRC
- Montgomery ARC
- The Arc of Monroe County
- Madison/Cortland ARC
- The ARC of Livingston-Wyoming Counties
- Jefferson Rehabilitation Center
- Herkimer Arc
- Genesee Arc
- Fulton ARC
- Essex ARC
- Erie Arc
- Dutchess Arc
- The Arc of Delaware County
- Community League Wassaic Arc
- Columbia ARC
- Clinton ARC
- The ARC of Chenango
- Chemung ARC
- The Resource Center – Chautauqua
- The Arcadia Institute
- Lake Washington School District Transition Academy
- MassWorks
- Cattaraugus Arc
- Broome Tioga Arc
- Summit Eduational Resources
- MontgomeryWorks
- Bronx Developmental Center Arc
- Benevolent Society (Staten Island) Arc
- Allegany Arc
- AHRC New York City
- Adirondack ARC
- The Arc of San Juan County
- The Arc Warren County Chapter
- The Arc of Union County
- The Arc of Somerset County
- The Arc of Salem County
- The Arc, Ocean County Chapter
- The Arc Morris
- The Arc of Monmouth
- The Arc of Middlesex County
- Ohio SIBS
- The Arc Mercer
- The Arc of Hunterdon County
- The Arc of Hudson County
- The Arc Gloucester
- The Arc of Essex County
- The Arc of Cumberland County
- The Arc of Cape May County
- The Arc of Camden
- The Arc of Burlington
- The Arc of Bergen and Passaic Counties
- The Arc of Atlantic County
- The Arc of Greater Manchester
- The Arc in Nevada
- Concord Regional Arc
- The Arc of Seward
- The Arc of Platte County
- The Arc of Omaha at the Ollie Webb Center
- The Arc of Norfolk
- The Arc of Lincoln
- The Arc Hamilton-Merrick Counties
- The Arc of Colfax County
- The Arc of Central Nebraska
- The Arc of Buffalo County
- The Arc of Adams-Clay
- St. Louis Arc
- The Arc of the Ozarks
- The Arc of the Lake
- The Arc of Clay and Platte Counties
- Washington County Arc
- The Arc of Northeast Mississippi
- The Arc of Southeast Mississippi
- Pearl River Arc
- The Arc of Lowndes County
- The Arc Jones County
- The Arc of the Gulf Coast
- Clay County Arc
- Arc of Southwest Mississippi
- Adams County Arc
- Arc of West Central Minnesota
- The Arc United
- Arc Stevens County
- Arc of Southwest Minnesota
- Arc Southeastern Minnesota
- Arc Northland
- Arc Mower County
- Arc Midstate
- Arc Kandiyohi County
- Arc Greater Twin Cities
- Arc Freeborn County
- Arc Range
- The Arc of Western Wayne County
- Van Buren Arc
- The Mon-Arc of Monroe
- The Arc of St. Clair County
- The Arc of Mid-Michigan
- ARC Advocacy & Resource Center of Ottawa County
- Arc Ogemaw County
- The Arc of Oakland County
- The Arc of Northwest Wayne County
- Arc Newaygo County
- Arc Muskegon
- The Arc of Midland
- Arc Manistee
- Arc Services of Macomb
- The Arc Livingston
- The Arc Kent County
- The Arc Grosse Pointe/Harper Woods
- Arc – Gogebic County
- Arc Downriver
- The Arc Detroit
- The Arc Delta County
- The Arc Dearborn/Dearborn Heights
- Community Advocates
- The Arc of Central Michigan
- The Arc of Calhoun County
- The Arc Bay County
- The Arc Arenac Area
- The Arc Allegan
- Greater Waltham Arc
- Southern Worcester County Arc
- The Arc of The South Shore
- South Norfolk County Arc
- The Arc of Northern Bristol County
- Northeast Arc
- Minute Man Arc for Human Services
- The Arc of Great Plymouth, Inc.
- The Arc of Greater Lawrence
- The Arc of Greater Haverhill-Newburyport
- The United Arc of Franklin & Hampshire Counties
- The Arc of East Middlesex
- The Charles River Center
- The Arc of Cape Cod
- Brockton Area Arc
- Berkshire County Arc
- The Arc of Opportunity in North Central Massachusetts
- Arc of Washington County
- Arc of Southern Maryland
- The Arc of Prince George’s County
- The Arc Northern Chesapeake Region
- The Arc of Montgomery County
- The Arc of Howard County
- The Arc of Frederick County
- The Arc of the Central Chesapeake Region
- The Arc Carroll County
- The Arc Baltimore
- Vermilion Arc
- Terrebonne Arc
- St. Mary Arc
- St. Martin Arc
- St. John Arc
- St. James Arc
- The Arc of St. Charles
- The Arc of Sabine
- Rapides Arc
- The Arc of Greater New Orleans
- Arc – Morehouse
- Iberville Arc
- Donaldsonville Arc
- Beauregard Arc
- The Arc of Baton Rouge
- The Arc of East Ascension
- The Arc of Acadiana
- The Arc of Owensboro
- The Point
- Louisville Metro Arc
- The Arc of Logan County
- The Arc of Lake Cumberland
- PLANS – Arc of Christian County
- The Arc of Central Kentucky
- Arc of Barren County
- A.R.H.H.C. of Hardin County
- The Arc of Sunflower
- The Arc of Sedgwick County
- Saline County Arc
- The Arc of Marshall County
- The Arc of Douglas County
- The Arc of Central Plains
- CCDS, Inc.
- The Arc of Butler County
- Anderson County Arc
- Woodbury County Arc
- Wayne County Arc
- The Arc of Story County
- The Arc of Southeast Iowa
- The Arc of North Central Iowa
- Arc Lucas County
- The Arc of Jefferson & Nearby Counties
- Jackson County Arc
- Henry County Arc
- The Arc of East Central Iowa
- The Arc of Cedar Valley
- Arc Cedar County
- The Arc of Appanoose County
- The Arc of Vigo County
- The Arc of Wabash County
- The Arc of Tippecanoe County
- Sycamore Services
- Sullivan County Area Rehabilitation Center
- Stone Belt Arc
- Spencer County Arc
- Rush County Arc
- Posey County Arc
- Pike County Area Rehabilitation Center
- Passages, Inc.
- Sweet Owen Industries Arc
- The Arc Northwest Indiana
- Noble County Arc
- The Noble Arc of Greater Indianapolis
- Lawrence County Arc
- Knox County Arc
- Johnson County Arc
- Jennings County Arc
- Jayland Arc
- The Arc of Jackson County
- Hopewell Center
- The Hoosier Prairie Arc
- The Arc of Hancock County
- Greene County Area Rehabilitation Center
- Gibson County Area Rehabilitation Centers
- Fountain County Arc
- The Arc of Evansville
- Easter Seals Arc of Northeast Indiana
- The Arc of Decatur County
- The Arc of Dearborn County
- Daviess-Martin Rehabilitation Services
- Clinton County Arc
- The ARC of Carroll County
- Carey Services
- The Arc of Brown County
- The Arc of Greater Boone County
- Bi-County Services
- The Arc of Bartholomew County
- Arc Opportunities
- ADEC, Inc.
- Achieva Resources Corporation
- The Arc of Winnebago, Boone & Ogle
- UPS for DownS
- The Arc of the Quad Cities Area
- Sparc
- SouthSTAR Services
- Seguin Services
- Park Lawn Association
- PACT, Inc.
- New Hope Association, Inc.
- The Arc of Iroquois County
- Avenues to Independence
- Gateway Services
- Blue Island Citizens for DD
- Association for Individual Development
- Adams County Arc
- The Arc of Maui
- The Arc of Kona
- The Arc of Hilo
- Arc of Walker County
- The Arc of Toombs County
- The Arc of Thomas-Grady Counties
- Stephens County Arc
- The Arc of Northeast Georgia
- The Arc of Middle Georgia
- The Arc Macon
- The Arc of Liberty County
- Irwin County Arc
- The Arc of Douglas County
- The Arc of Dodge County
- The Arc of Greater Columbus
- The Arc of Clayton County
- The Arc of Brooks County
- The Arc of Bleckley County
- Albany Advocacy Resource Center, Inc.
- The Arc of Washington-Holmes Counties
- Walton County Arc
- The Arc of Volusia
- Victory Living Programs, Inc.
- The Arc of the Glades
- SunriseArc
- The Arc Suncoast
- The Arc of St. Lucie County
- The Arc of the St. Johns
- The Arc of South Florida
- The Arc Santa Rosa
- Ridge Area Arc
- The Arc of Putnam County
- The Arc of Palm Beach County
- The Arc North Florida
- The Arc Nature Coast
- The Arc Big Bend Inc.
- Levy County Arc
- LARC, Inc.
- The Arc Jacksonville
- Jackson County Arc
- Horizons of Okaloosa County
- ARC Gateway
- Arc Flagler County
- Arc Desoto
- The Arc of Charlotte County
- The Arc of Bradford County
- The Arc of Alachua County
- Abilities Resource Center of Indian River County
- Waterbury Arc
- Tri-County Arc
- STAR, Inc., Lighting the Way
- The Arc of Southington
- Sarah Tuxis Residential Services, Inc.
- Sarah Seneca Residential Services
- The Arc of Quinebaug Valley
- The Arc of New London County
- The Arc of Meriden-Wallingford
- MARC, Inc. of Manchester
- MARC: Community Resources
- Litchfield County Arc
- Friends of New Milford
- The Arc of the Farmington Valley
- The Arc of Weld County
- The Arc – Jefferson, Clear Creek & Gilpin Counties
- The Arc of Pueblo
- The Arc of the Pikes Peak Region
- The Arc Mesa County
- The Arc of Larimer County
- The Association for Community Living in Boulder County
- The Arc of Aurora
- The Arc Arapahoe & Douglas Counties
- The Arc of Adams County
- The Arc of Ventura County
- The Arc – Taft
- The Arc of Riverside County
- Arc – South Bay
- The Arc – Solano
- Arc San Joaquin
- The Arc San Francisco
- The Arc of San Diego
- Arc – San Bernadino Area
- Placer ARC
- The Arc of Los Angeles and Orange Counties
- Arc – Imperial Valley
- The Arc Fresno
- Desert Area Resources and Training
- Desert Arc
- The Arc of Butte County
- Alpha Resource Center of Santa Barbara
- The Arc of Alameda County
- Sevier County Arc
- The Arc for the River Valley
- The Arc of Yuma County
- YES The Arc
- The Arc of Tucson
- The Arc of Tempe
- Santa Cruz County Arc
- Northeastern Pinal County Arc
- Mohave County Arc
- Gila County Arc
- Douglas Arc
- Chandler-Gilbert Arc
- The Arc of Anchorage
- Winston Marion County Arc
- The Arc of Walker County
- The Arc of Tuscaloosa County
- The Arc of Cullman County
- The Arc St. Clair County
- South Talladega Arc
- The Arc of the Shoals
- The Arc of Shelby County
- Randolph County Arc
- The Arc of North Talladega County
- The Arc of Morgan County
- Montgomery Arc
- Mobile Arc
- Marshall County Arc
- The Arc of Madison County
- The Arc of Lawrence County
- The Arc of Jefferson County
- The Arc of Jackson County
- The Arc of Geneva County
- The Arc of Franklin County
- Arc Fayette Lamar
- The Arc of Eastern Elmore County
- The Arc of DeKalb County
- Clarke County Arc
- Arc of The Chattahoochee Valley
- The Arc of Calhoun-Cleburne Counties
- St. Louis Arc
- ARC- Baldwin County
- AWE Arc Autauga and Western Elmore Counties
- Athens/Limestone Arc
- The Arc of Wyoming
- The Arc of West Virginia
- The Arc of North Dakota
- AWARE, Inc.
- The Arc, Inc.
- The Arc in Hawaii
- The Arc Caddo-Bossier
- Autism Speaks of Utah
- Easter Seals of North Carolina
- Autism Speaks of Maine
- Autism Society of Baltimore
- The Arc of Maryland
- Pathfinders for Autism
- Linwood Center
- The Arc of Massachusetts
- Autism Society of Massachusetts
- Massachusetts Autism Resources
- Autism Speaks of Massachusetts
- Autism Speaks of Michigan
- The Arc of Michigan
- The Statewide Autism Resources and Training (START) Project
- Autism Society of Michigan
- Holland Center
- Fraser Autism Center
- Autism Society of Minnesota
- The Arc of Minnesota
- Easter Seals of Minnesota
- Minnesota Autism Center
- Gulf Coast Autism Project – Univ. of So. Miss.
- The Arc of Mississippi
- Autism Society of Mississippi
- Easter Seals of Mississippi
- Autism Speaks of Missouri
- The Arc of Missouri
- Autism Society of Missouri
- Autism Center – Southeast Missouri State University
- Autism Speaks of Montana
- Easter Seals of Montana
- Autism Speaks of Nebraska
- The Arc of Nebraska
- Autism Society of Nebraska
- Easter Seals of Nebraska
- Easter Seals of Nevada
- Autism Coalition of Nevada
- Early Childhood Autism Program
- Autism Speaks of New Hampshire
- Easter Seals of New Hampshire
- Easter Seals of New Jersey
- Autism Speaks of New Jersey
- Autism New Jersey
- The Arc of New Jersey
- Autism Speaks of New Mexico
- The Arc of New Mexico
- New Mexico Autism Resources
- Autism Society of New Mexico
- New York Autism Resources
- Autism Society of Central New York
- Autism Speaks of New York
- Autism/NY Department Of Health
- The Arc of North Carolina
- North Carolina – TEACCH
- Autism Society of North Carolina
- Autism Speaks of North Carolina
- Autism Speaks of North Dakota
- Easter Seals of North Dakota
- North Dakota Autism Resources
- Autism Resource for Ohio Parents
- The Arc of Ohio
- Milestones Autism Organization
- Autism Speaks of Ohio
- Ohio Center for Autism
- Autism Society of Ohio
- Easter Seals of Oklahoma
- Autism Speaks of Oklahoma
- Autism Society of Oklahoma
- Oklahoma Autism Resources
- The Oklahoma Plan-Oklahoma Alliance
- The Arc of Oregon
- Autism Speaks of Oregon
- AutismOregon
- Autism Society of Oregon
- Autism Society of Pennsylvania
- Autism Speaks of Pennsylvania
- The Arc of Pennsylvania
- Autism Speaks of Rhode Island
- Autism Society of Rhode Island
- FEAT Families Effective Autism Treatment
- Easter Seals of Rhode Island
- The Arc of South Carolina
- Autism Speaks of South Carolina
- Easter Seals of South Carolina
- South Carolina Autism Society
- Autism Speaks of South Dakota
- Autism Society of South Dakota
- Easter Seals of South Dakota
- Autism Reviews TRIAD
- The Arc of Tennessee
- Autism Tennessee
- Autism Speaks of Tennessee
- Tennessee Autism Resources
- Easter Seals of Tennessee
- The Autism Project of the Univ. of Texas
- The Arc of Texas
- Texas Statewide Leadership For Autism Training
- Texas Autism Resources
- Easter Seals of Texas
- Behavioral Innovations
- Utah Autism Foundation
- Utah’s Autism Organizations
- Utah Autism Resources
- Easter Seals of Utah
- Autism Society of Vermont
- Autism Speaks of Vermont
- Easter Seals of Vermont
- Vermont Autism Resources
- Vermont Autism Task Force
- Autism Speaks of Virginia
- The Arc of Virginia
- Autism Society of Central Virginia
- Easter Seals of Virginia
- Autism Society of Washington
- The Arc of Washington State
- Northwest Autism Foundation
- Easter Seals of Washington
- Autism Guidebook for Washington State
- Autism Resources – Washington State Dept. Of Health
- Autism Speaks of West Virginia
- Autism Society of West Virginia
- Easter Seals of West Virginia
- Wisconsin Early Autism Project
- The Arc of Wisconsin
- Autism Speaks of Wisconsin
- Easter Seals of Wisconsin
- Autism Society of Wisconsin
- Wisconsin Autism Resources
- Autism Society of Wyoming
- Autism Speaks of Wyoming
- Autism Action of Wyoming
- Easter Seals Of Wyoming
- Easter Seals of Maine
- Autism Society Maine
- Autism and Aspergers Resources
- Louisiana State Resources
- Autism Society Of Lousiana
- The Arc Of Louisana
- Easter Seals Of Kentucky
- Autism Society Of Kentucky
- The Arc Of Kentucky
- Kentucky Autism Training Center
- Autism Speaks of Kentucky
- Autism Speaks Of Kansas
- The Kansas Center for Autism
- The Arc Of Iowa
- Easter Seals Of Iowa
- Autism Speaks Of Iowa
- Autism Society Of Iowa
- University Of Iowa Regional Autism Assistance Program
- Autism Iowa Department of Education
- Indiana Resource Center for Autism
- Autism Speaks Of Indiana
- Easter Seals of Indiana
- The Arc Of Indiana
- HANDS in Autism
- Autism Society of Indiana
- The Autism Place
- Autism Society of Illinois
- Illinois Autism Resources
- The Arc Of Illinois
- Autism Resources
- Autism Society of Illinois
- Idaho Center On Disability & Human Development
- Easter Seals and Autism Of Idaho
- Autism Society Idaho
- Autism Speaks Idaho
- Autism Spectrum Disorder Foundation
- Autism Services in Hawaii
- Easter Seals and Autism of Hawaii
- Autism Society Of Hawaii
- Pacific Autism Center
- Autism Behavor Consulting Group
- Autism Speaks of Hawaii
- Easter Seals North Georgia
- Autism Society of Georgia
- Autism Speaks of Georgia
- Georgia Autism Resources
- Autism Resources in Georgia
- The Arc of Georgia
- Autism Speaks Florida
- The Arc of Florida
- Center for Autism
- Florida Autism Resources
- Autism Speaks Delaware
- The Arc of Delaware
- Easter Seals Delaware
- Autism Delaware
- Easter Seals Greater Washington-Baltimore Region
- Washington DC Autism Resources
- Autism Society District Of Columbia
- The Arc of the District of Columbia
- Connecticut Families for Effective Autism Treatment
- Autism Society Of Connecticut
- Connecticut Autism Resources
- The Arc of Connecticut
- Autism in Connecticut
- DDS: Autism and Family Support
- Connecticut Autism Spectrum Resource Center
- The Arc of Colorado
- Autism Speaks Colorado Resources
- Autism Society of Colorado
- Easter Seals Of Northern California
- California Autism Resources
- Autism Speaks California
- The Arc Of California
- Autism Speaks Arkansas
- The Arc Arkansas
- Eye Contact Arkansas
- Arkansas Autism Resources
- The Arc of Arizona
- S.E.E.K Arizona
- Southwest Autism Research & Resource Center
- Arizona Autism Resource
- Alaska Resource for Educators and Parents
- Alaska Autism Resource Center
- Alaska Division of Public Health
- Alabama Autism
- The Arc of Alabama
- Autism Alabama
- Autism Society of Alabama