Welcome to the New Website
Celebrate Autism Awareness Month with Us
On this first day of Autism Awareness Month, we are thrilled to offer you – families connected to autism and other intellectual and developmental disabilities, people that identify as having autism or I/DD, and other key stakeholders that have interests in these issues – with a dynamic platform of resources and information on many lifespan issues.
The website is a reflection of our vision for the Autism NOW Center. It is a virtual place where families and people that identify as having autism or I/DD are welcomed, celebrated, understood, and helped in meaningful ways. It is a space that promotes self-determination principles as outlined by the Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act of 2000 that holds people with disabilities are valued members of our society. It is a portal of evidence-based and best practices information for all that draws from a national network of premiere organizations that all work to improve the quality of life for people with autism and I/DD, their families, and the systems that serve them. We are proud to be among the Projects of National Significance programs funded by the Administration on Developmental Disabilities (ADD) to extend their important work in leading the field.
As we move forward, more information will continue to be added to the resources. The Autism NOW Center is multi-dimensional, offering not only this website for your use, but also weekly webinars that have become highly popular (so register early, space is limited!), our Facebook page, our information and referral services, and upcoming Autism NOW Summits in five regional cities. We encourage you to explore each of these dimensions of the Center, get involved, and let us know what you think.
Thank you for celebrating this time with us.
– Ann Cameron Caldwell
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