Autism NOW Webinar: The Affordable Care Act and the I/DD Community
The Affordable Care Act and the I/DD Community
The registration for this webinar is closed, and it is now only available on-demand.
Time: Tuesday, October 15, 2013, from 2:00 to 3:00 PM EST
Speakers: Ari Ne’eman, the Autistic Self Advocacy Network
With the launch of the Affordable Care Act’s new insurance marketplaces and the upcoming end to pre-existing condition discrimination, many in the Autistic and broader I/DD community are curious about what changes the ACA will bring to our country’s health care system. This presentation, conducted by Ari Ne’eman of the Autistic Self Advocacy Network, will provide a broad overview of the ACA’s major provisions, the anticipated changes the ACA will bring over the course of the coming years and a summary of potential advocacy priorities that the I/DD community can pursue regarding the ACA’s implementation. Based off the recently released ASAN Policy Brief on the Affordable Care Act and the I/DD Community, this webinar is geared towards advocates, people with disabilities, family members and others connected to the Autistic and I/DD communities.
Webinar Recording and Presentation Slides
View PowerPoint slides for this webinar.