New Forums, Videos and More

Chalkboard Displaying http://wwwWe’ve added a lot of new content and a few new features to the site in the past month.

What’s New?

Starting with the Forums

To get started with the Forums, you can Visit and create an account by clicking register. Fill out the info and you’re good to go. That way you can post topics and reply to them.

Feel free to post new topics or reply to current ones if you have relevant information, or can help in some way. Each time you visit the forums page, you can login by clicking the login button. You can navigate to the Forums by visiting the Participate section.

More on the Forums

We created the Forums based on feedback we heard from attendees of our Regional Summits in 2011. Many attendees told us that they wanted a way to network and talk about their struggles, victories, new ideas and resources. We hope the new Forums develop into that space for anyone that needs it. Before you dive into this new feature, please be sure to read our Online Community Guidelines page. It’s packed with information on how we’ll manage the Forums, and what we expect from you – our awesome users.

We’ve created four different forums for you to post in. They are:

  • Autism NOW Center: Where we’ll talk about what’s going on what the center, its programs and the website. It’s a great place to interact with staff and ask specific questions about what we’re working on.
  • General: Anything goes here. You can talk about news articles, the autism and developmental disabilities community, etc.
  • Network with Others: This is a great forum for sharing your stories, connecting with other parents, professionals or people with autism and/or other developmental disabilities.
  • Resources: Here, you can talk about specific resources that have helped you and suggest new ones that you’ve discovered. Keep in mind, if you want resources officially added to the site, you need to submit it through our Submit a Resource form. It will still also need to go through our review process.

Other Small Tweaks

We’ve made a few small changes to the site to make it easier to use. They are:

  • Made the What We Do section a standalone section, moving it away from being a child of the About Us section. With this, we aim to make it easier to find our webinar archive and other products we’ll produce in the future.
  • Created an additional menu in the footer area of the site called “Go In-Depth” that lists all of our specialty content.

What’s Next?

We’re working on more new content and features for our website. Some of them are:

  • Fact sheets on important topics.
  • A ratings system for our website, so you can provide instant feedback on our content.
  • Easier ways to find the content you’re looking for
  • and more!

Thank you for using our site and services. Remember, if you have new ideas for us or ways we can get better – give us feedback.

Recommend this content New Forums, Videos and More

Date posted: May 24, 2012. Content created by The Autism NOW Center. Last updated: March 21, 2018.

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