Don’t Forget This Week’s Webinars
Autism NOW: The National Autism Resource and Information Center will be hosting the following webinars for the week of January 31, 2011:
On February 1st, from 2:00 – 3:00 pm (EST), the Organization for Autism Research (OAR) will be conducting a webinar on the work and resources that the OAR provides throughout the United States. To access this webinar, please call 1-866-740-1260 and enter access code 2321101 at the time of the webinar. After dialing in, please sign into the online portion of the webinar here.
On February 3rd, from 2:00 – 3:00 pm (EST), Mr. Joe Caldwell from the National Council on Aging and Mr. John Kramer from the Institute for Community Inclusion at the University of Massachusetts – Boston will be presenting a webinar entitled “Supporting Aging Family Caregivers and Adults with Autism and Developmental Disabilities.” To access this webinar, please call 1-866-740-1260 and enter access code 2321101 on Thursday afternoon. After dialing in, sign into the online portion of the webinar here.
These webinars are part of a weekly series designed for self-advocates, families, professionals, and the general public, in which each webinar will be an opportunity for information sharing and dialogue on a wide variety of topics. To be held every Tuesday and Thursday from 2:00 to 3:00 pm (EST), these webinars will begin with discussion around introductory information about the Center itself and our partner organizations. Future topics will include new and innovative practices in the area of autism and developmental disabilities.
The Autism NOW Center is a project funded by the Administration on Developmental Disabilities and a national initiative of The Arc. The Center gathers, organizes, and disseminates readily accessible, high-quality resources and information related to community-based services that support independent living and self-determination, treatment protocols that promoted community-based experiences, and evidence-based interventions. We provide resources and information in core areas across the lifespan. Focus areas include early diagnosis, early intervention, and early education; transition from high school into early adulthood; community-based employment; advocacy for families and self-advocates; community inclusion; aging issues; policy; implementation of health care reform, including long term care services and supports; family and sibling support; and networking in local, state, and national arenas.
For any further questions regarding these webinars or for more information on The Autism NOW Center, please contact Jennifer Sladen at [email protected].