New Resource Available: Relationships and Sexuality
The Autism NOW Center would like to introduce one of the first handbooks of its kind: Relationships and Sexuality. This anthology aims to take readers on a thought-provoking journey about relationships and sexuality through the eyes of self-advocates. It is tempered with advice, rich perspectives, and stories that are woven through the personal experiences of its contributors. The following pages offer information and essays about romance, marriage, expectations, consent, myths, and sexual abuse. Other topics include cultural fascination, gender transition, asexuality, and other similar subjects.
Disclaimer: This manuscript, written by and for adults with autism, discusses topics relating to sexuality in a frank and open manner. Although these topics may be uncomfortable and even offensive to some people, it is important to present this information as a continued effort to empower individuals with autism and other developmental disabilities. Any views or opinions presented in the following articles and essays are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of the Autism NOW Center. Additionally, although Autism NOW respects the authors’ use of Identity-Based Language, as the National Resource and Information Center, we promote and encourage the use of People First Language.