Attend the First Autism Now Center Webinars This Week
Autism NOW: The National Autism Resource and Information Center will begin hosting a series of weekly webinars, starting on Tuesday, January 25, 2011. Designed for self-advocates, families, professionals, and the general public, each webinar will be an opportunity for information sharing on a variety of topics. To be held every Tuesday and Thursday from 2:00 to 3:00 pm (EST), these webinars will not only provide introductory information about the Center and its partner organizations but will also encourage dialogue between families, self-advocates, the Center, and partner organizations regarding needed resources. Future topics will include new and innovative practices in the area of autism and other developmental disabilities.
On January 25th, from 2:00 – 3:00 pm (EST), The Autism NOW Center will be conducting a webinar on the work and the purpose of the Center. Tonia Ferguson, Center Director, and Paula Durbin-Westby, Center Co-Director will present their viewpoints on the need for the Center from their perspectives as a parent and a self-advocate. To access this webinar, please call 1-866-740-1260 and enter access code 2321101. To participate in the chat and online portion of the webinar, please sign up for the webinar here.
On January 27th, from 2:00 – 3:00 pm EST, Self Advocates Becoming Empowered (SABE) will present a webinar explaining the work that SABE accomplishes throughout the United States as well as the role of SABE at The Autism NOW Center. To access this webinar, please call 1-866-740-1260 and enter access code 2321101. To participate in the chat and online portion of the webinar, please sign up for the webinar here.
For any further questions regarding these webinars or for more information on The Autism NOW Center, please contact Jennifer Sladen at [email protected].