Autism NOW Webinar: Is Voting Important to You, If So, WHY?

Exercising your rights and allowing your voice to be heard can be very empowering. Voting is one of the ways this can be achieved.

Autism NOW Webinar: Converting Sheltered Workshops to Employment Programs That Get People Real Jobs!

Under the principles of inclusion, employment for individuals with autism and other developmental disabilities is currently shifting from sheltered workshops to community-based jobs.

Autism NOW Webinar: AASPIRE and Community Based Participatory Research

Register for this webinar to learn more about how AASPIRE encourages the inclusion of adults on the autism spectrum in research matters that directly affect them!

Autism NOW Webinar: Let’s Talk About Sex: Disability, Relationships, and Sexuality

As a parent or family member of a young person with a disability, there are topics that you may feel uncomfortable bringing up. If relationships and sexuality are among these topics, then don’t miss out on this upcoming webinar!

Autism NOW Webinar: Access to Autism Friendly Companies

There are many employment initiatives that exist across the country dedicated to increasing job opportunities for individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities.

Autism NOW Webinar: Super Allies: The Real Role of Advisors

Self-Advocacy groups are run by individuals with disabilities, but sometimes it can be a challenge because of the great demand when running an organization or committee. This is where the role of an advisor comes in.

Autism NOW Webinar: “Shift” and Progress in Disability Rights and Awareness

As individuals, family members, and professionals in the disability community strive for empowerment, rights and more knowledge about neurodiversity, it is important to recognize and use the power of press.

Autism NOW Webinar: Being Prepared

In this webinar, Julie Kenney, the Director of Being Prepared: MN Emergency Preparedness Center, will share information on how you can develop your own emergency preparedness plan.

Autism NOW Webinar: Being Prepared in an Emergency

An emergency can occur with little or no warning and can be stress inducing.

Autism NOW Webinar: Supporting Siblings of People with Disabilities

What is it like to be a brother or sister of an individual with a disability? This webinar will cover the sibling experience.