This webinar discussed opportunities for postsecondary education for students with disabilities, traditional and non-traditional pathways to college, college support & services, and findings from student research about college experiences for people with disabilities.
In this webinar, John Butterworth from the Institute for Community Inclusion at the University of Massachusetts Boston, presented an overview of employment trends for people with disabilities and historical employment policies.
In this webinar, Emily Iland, the Vice President of the Autism Society of Los Angeles, presented information and tools to raise awareness about safety and to help people with autism or other developmental disabilities feel safer in the community.
In this webinar, self-advocate leaders described myths around parents with disabilities. They also then provided suggestions for parents with disabilities on how to raise children and work with Child Protective Services, when necessary.
A Discussion with Siblings of people with autism or other developmental disabilities about their experiences and hopes.
Featuring Don Meyer, director of the Sibling Support Project.