Guide: NCWD/Youth: Cyber Disclosure for Youth with Disabilities

This document provides information and suggestions for youth with disabilities to assist them in making informed decisions about online disclosure.

Guide: iTaalk Autism Foundation: The iTaalk Top 30: Educational Apps to Get You Started, and All for Under $50!

This document provides a list of 30 educational apps for children with autism and other developmental disabilities. The name, cost, and pros and cons of each app are identified.

Website: iTaalk Autism Foundation

This non-profit organization trains and educates families, educators and service providers on the basic uses of technology products (iPads, iPods, Androids) for individuals with autism and other developmental disabilities.

Guide: Wisconsin Assistive Technology Initiative: Assistive Technology Supports for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder

This guide helps educators and other support staff determine which assistive technology tools and strategies are most useful based on an individual’s needs and preferences.

Webpage: Autism Speaks: Apps for Autism

This webpage provides a growing list of iPad and iPod apps for individuals with autism, caregivers and professionals.

Website: Disabled World

This website offers disability-relevant news, assistive device reviews, and articles on various topics such as health, travel, sports, fitness and nutrition.

Guide: Vanderbilt Kennedy Center: iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch Education Apps

This document provides a list of iPad apps for children with autism.

Website: CAST: Center for Applied Special Technology

CAST presents resources and tools for students, parents and educators on its website to help all groups ensure that schoolwork considers and meets the needs of all learners.

Website: Academic Autistic Spectrum Partnership in Research and Education (AASPIRE)

AASPIRE is a collaboration between the academic community and the autism community.

Guide: Walk a Mile In Their Shoes – Bullying and the Child with Special Needs

This guide focuses on bullying and is specifically designed for parents and teachers of children with disabilities.