Webpage: Bureau of Labor Statistics: Data on the Employment Status of People with a Disability

This webpage offers reports and news releases that contain employment statistics for individuals with disabilities.

Research Article: Gender gaps career development for young women with disabilities

This study used focus groups and individual interviews with high school girls with disabilities, college women with disabilities, high school special education teachers, school administrators and employers to examine career development and transition needs for young women with disabilities.

Research Article: Experiences of parents who homeschool their children with autism spectrum disorders

Ten parents from nine families participated in this qualitative study to share their experiences, opinions, and perceptions of homeschooling as compared to instruction in public school settings.

Research Article: Lie-telling behavior in children with autism and its relation to false-belief understanding

Children’s lie-telling behavior and its relation to false-belief understanding was examined in children with autism spectrum disorders and a comparison group of typically developing children.

Research Article: Evaluation of a sibling-mediated imitation intervention for young children with autism

This study used a multiple-baseline design across six sibling dyads (four children with autism) to evaluate the efficacy of sibling-implemented reciprocal imitation training.

Research Article: Improving social engagement and initiations between children with autism spectrum disorder and their peers in inclusive settings

The current study assessed whether socialization would improve if more general interests of children on the autism spectrum that would also be of interest to their typical peers were incorporated into activities.

Research Article: Motor proficiency and physical fitness in adolescent males with and without autism spectrum disorders

This study compared components of motor proficiency and physical fitness in adolescents with and without autism spectrum disorders, and assessed the associations between the two measures within each group.

Research Article: Relationship satisfaction, parenting stress, and depression in mothers of children with autism

We explored the relations between child characteristics of diagnostic severity and problem behaviors, parenting stress, relationship quality, and depressive symptoms in 70 mothers of young children with autism.

Research Article: A randomised group comparison controlled trial of ‘preschoolers with autism’: A parent education and skills training intervention for young children with autistic disorder

Aim: To determine the effect of parent education on adaptive behaviour, autism symptoms and cognitive/language skills of young children with autistic disorder.

Research Article: To enforce or not to enforce? The use of collaborative interfaces to promote social skills in children with high functioning autism spectrum disorder

The goal of this study was to examine whether a technological touch activated Collaborative Puzzle Game (CPG) increased positive social behaviors in children with high functioning autism spectrum disorder (HFASD).