Guide: Texas Guide for Effective Teaching Self-Determination Strategies

This guide provides self-determination strategies designed to develop decision-making ability for people with autism and other developmental disabilities.

Guide: Green Mountain Self-Advocates: Abuse

This peer-to-peer guide is intended to help individual with disabilities recognize and respond to abuse.

Website: Self Advocates United as 1

Self Advocates United as 1 is a group based in Pennsylvania that is dedicated to supporting the self-advocacy of people with disabilities.

Website: Regional Oral History Office: Leaders with Developmental Disabilities in the Self-Advocacy Movement

This webpage explores the life stories of thirteen leaders in the self-advocacy movement and their perspectives on key issues and leadership challenges.

Website: NYLN: Reap What You Sow Curriculum and Training

This webpage contains Reap What You Sow, a curriculum that teaches youth with disabilities how to build a support system that promotes their personal power.

Academic Research: A National Gateway to Self-Determination: Self-Determination and People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: What Does Research Tell Us?

The intent of this document is to provide a synthesis of major findings in the area of self-determination pertaining to youth and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Guide: Autism Speaks: Transition Tool Kit

This toolkit is designed to assist families on the journey from adolescence to adulthood.

Website: Self-Advocacy Online

This website provides educational and networking opportunities for those involved in making change for people with disabilities.

Article: A Few Words About People First Language

This article discusses how to use language and words in a way that does not devalue and disrespect individuals with disabilities.

Book: Integrated Self-Advocacy Curriculum

This book provides professionals and family members resources to maintain safe forums for self-discovery and greater understanding about self-advocacy.