Website: The Daniel Jordan Fiddle Foundation
This national organization works to develop, advocate for and fund programs throughout the United States that address all aspects of life for adults living with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
This national organization works to develop, advocate for and fund programs throughout the United States that address all aspects of life for adults living with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
This website promotes self-advocacy by providing tools and resources for individuals with disabilities.
The purpose of this toolkit is to assist transition-aged youth with disabilities in strengthening some of the most fundamental skills essential for successfully managing their own personal assistance services.
The GRASP website educates the public about autism, while also offering free online resources and networking opportunities for individuals with ASD and their families.
This anthology aims to take readers on a thought-provoking journey about relationships and sexuality through the eyes of self-advocates.
El Plan de estudios para la autovaloración es una herramienta desarrollada con el propósito de ayudar a las personas con autismo y otras dificultades del desarrollo a aprender más sobre este movimiento; celebrar la neurodiversidad; cultivar grupos locales de autovaloración; y, en última instancia, fortalecerse y mantener las capacidades a través de este movimiento.
The Self-Advocacy Curriculum is a tool that is intended to help individuals with autism and other developmental disabilities learn more about the self-advocacy movement; celebrate neurodiversity; cultivate local self-advocacy groups; and ultimately, become and remain empowered through self-advocacy.
The Autism NOW Center is proud to present its new employment handbook, An Autistic View of Employment.
The Autism NOW fact sheet on self-advocacy explains the beliefs of those who practice self-advocacy and describes where and how you can take part.
The Autism NOW fact sheet on self-advocacy explains the beliefs of those who practice self-advocacy and describes where and how you can take part.