Research Article: Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Quality of Health Care Among Children with Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities

We examined racial and ethnic disparities in quality of care for children with autism and other developmental disabilities and whether disparities varied for children with autism compared to children with other developmental disabilities.

Research Article: Strategies for Organizational Change from Group Homes to Individualized Supports

Organizations are increasingly looking to convert from facility-based services for adults with developmental disabilities to individualized supports. Such conversion involves not only a change in services but a transformation of organizational culture.

Research Article: Changes in Maladaptive Behaviors From Midchildhood to Young Adulthood in Autism Spectrum Disorder

The current study prospectively examined trajectories of change in symptoms of irritability, hyperactivity, and social withdrawal, as well as predictors of such behaviors, for ages 9–18 years for youths with autism spectrum disorder and a comparison group with nonspectrum developmental delays.

Research Article: Trajectory of Behavior and Emotional Problems in Autism

Little is known about the longitudinal development of behavior and emotional problems in autism. This study followed a cohort of children and adolescents over 18 years.

Research Article: Vaccine-Related Beliefs and Practices of Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders

Although the assertion of a link between vaccines and autism has been scientifically rejected, the theory continues to be popular and may influence the attitudes of parents of children with autism spectrum disorders.

Research Article: Health Care of Latino Children with Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities: Quality of Provider Interaction Mediates Utilization

This study examines access to, utilization of, and quality of health care for Latino children with autism and other developmental disabilities.

Research Article: Sleep and Daytime Functioning: A Short-term Longitudinal Study of Three Preschool-age Comparison Groups

This study examined sleep, sleepiness, and daytime performance in 68 children with autism, 57 children with intellectual disability (ID), and 69 typically developing preschool children.

Research Article: Fear of routine physical exams in children with autism spectrum disorders prevalence and intervention effectiveness

Children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) have a high prevalence of specific fears, including fear of general medical procedures, but research on the treatment of medical fears has been limited.

Research Article: A review of behavioral treatments for self-injurious behaviors of persons with autism spectrum disorders

This article provides an overview of the current status of learning-based interventions for SIB in ASD and provides a review of specific studies.

Research Article: Health and access to health care of female family caregivers of adults with developmental disabilities

The physical and mental health status of women providing care to adult relatives with developmental disabilities was compared with that of the general female population in the United States.