This book is intended to be a career planning aid for young adults on the autism spectrum and their families, teachers, and counselors.
EARN supports employers in recruiting, hiring, retaining and advancing qualified individual with disabilities through consultation and technical assistance, customized training, online resources and links to state and local community-based organization serving job seekers with disabilities.
This toolkit contains five steps to assist federal agencies in their efforts to increase the employment of people with disabilities.
This tool provides an outline of four simple steps to increasing workforce inclusion.
This website provides comprehensive, up-to-date, and useful information on autism to educators and families who support individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD).
This webpage provides articles, online tools, publication and other resources that focus on transition and employment for individual with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
This toolkit is designed to assist families on the journey from adolescence to adulthood.
Pathway at UCLA Extension is a two-year certificate program for students with intellectual and other developmental disabilities, offering a blend of educational, social, and vocational experiences.
Inclusion Werks is a non profit organization that promotes the full inclusion of people with disabilities in education, employment, community living and community life.
This web page provides employment-related resources to help people with disabilities obtain meaningful and effective employment opportunities.