Research Article: An Evaluation of School Involvement and Satisfaction of Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders

Parental school involvement and satisfaction are unstudied in families raising a child with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

Research Article: Doing Nothing: Adults With Disabilities With No Daily Activities and Their Siblings

The authors examined predictors of inactivity in individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, as well as how inactivity related to their sibling’s well-being and the sibling relationship.

Research Article: Providing interventions for young children with autism spectrum disorders what we still need to accomplish

Over the past 25 years, we have learned a great deal about the diagnosis, treatment, and impact of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) on young children and their families. The authors describe several overarching themes that have emerged in the educational research on young children with ASD.

Research Article: Writing instruction for students with autism spectrum disorders a review of literature

This article contains a review of the literature on writing instruction for children with ASD.

Research Article: Mothers’ reports of their involvement in early intensive behavioral intervention

The goal of this research is to identify the forms of involvement adopted by mothers whose child follows an EIBI program.

Research Article: States’ accountability and progress in serving young children with disabilities

This article uses trend data reported by the states over the past 4 years to provide a national picture of the progress they have made, the challenges they have faced, and the improvement strategies they have undertaken.

Research Article: Preventing students with disabilities from dropping out

Schools are tasked with the challenge of not only raising graduation rates for students with and without disabilities but also preparing these students to meet college and career readiness standards.

Research Article: Fostering self-determination through building productive relationships in the classroom

This article provides information on strategies, classroom modifications, and curricula that can be used to help students improve their ability to build an increased sense of belonging through positive relationships with others.

Research Article: Creating social opportunities for students with autism spectrum disorder in inclusive settings

This article describes evidence-based strategies that will help educators create opportunities for social interaction for students with ASD in the context of naturally occurring classroom activities and routines.

Research Article: The experience of anxiety in young adults with autism spectrum disorders

Anxiety is known to be common among young adults with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), yet little is known about the nature of their experiences or the strategies they use to live and cope with their reported anxiety.