We Need to Listen

When I was a young academic at Oxford University, I was lucky enough to work with several autistic students, helping them to negotiate the complexities of that ancient institution and of college life more generally. Every one of them touched my life – and influenced my work – in profound and distinct ways.

Autism, Being Autistic and Acceptance

What is our place in the world? Who are we? Those questions should be easy to answer. Yet, they are not.

Planning for Summer Fun

School’s out and summer is in! The month of May flew by with Mother’s Day being the highlight for many; now, June is here and Father’s Day is quickly approaching.

All About Bullying

To help protect your child from bullying, we wanted to introduce some information about detecting bullying and ways to stop it after it is occurring. It is important to learn about bullying so that you can protect your child against it.

Vacation Planning Tips for Parents

As summer begins, most people begin thinking about the dreaded v-word — vacation. While vacations can be wonderful ways to spend time with family and enjoy new adventures and experiences, worrying about where to go, how to effectively plan, and how to deal with people and unexpected events on trips can cause parents to feel overwhelmed.

Incorporating Students with Autism in Your Classroom: Dennis’s Story

Including students with special needs in your classroom encourages acceptance of individual differences and more opportunities for students to develop friendships and respect for all people.