Escaping to Paradise

March marks the beginning of Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month. During this month, many people and organizations across the country raise awareness about issues facing individuals with developmental disabilities.

Achievements of Women with Autism Spectrum Disorders

March is also National Women’s History Month. Each year, a special Presidential Proclamation honors the achievements of American women, and I wanted to honor the incredible achievements of a few women who have autism or another developmental disability.

Stand Up for Autism Awareness and Acceptance!

Thanks to advocacy efforts of autism groups, people across the United States celebrate National Autism Awareness Month every April.

Welcoming Autism Awareness Month

This month, in recognition of National Autism Awareness Month, Autism NOW is celebrating along with millions across the United States, and taking a closer look at how Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) affects the lives of many.

Safety Tips to Avoid Victimization of a Crime

Did you know that people with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and other developmental disabilities tend to be more likely to be victims of crime?

Join the Conversation

Join the conversation with the Autism NOW Center during Autism Awareness Month.

10 Ways You Can Promote Autism Acceptance: A Professional’s View

As allies and professionals we need to emphasize strengths not just weaknesses when portraying adults with autism. With support, people with autism can live inter-independently, work and be productive members of our communities. Here are suggestions for promoting autism acceptance.

April had to End, But Autism Awareness Does Not

As we wrapped up Autism Awareness Month, I became even more aware of the strides that individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) make in their lives every day with unbelievable success.

How to Educate Important People in your Neighborhood

If you are a parent or family member of a loved one with autism or other developmental disabilities, you may be especially concerned with his/her safety in times of emergencies.

Why Autism Acceptance Matters

T.S. Elliot once wrote that April is the cruelest month. For Autistic adults and youth, this is largely true.