Fact Sheet: Autistic Access Needs: Notes on Accessibility

This document contains several recommendations to accommodate people with autism spectrum disorders during events, programs, and activities.

Guide: Life Journey through Autism

This guide is designed to provide parents, teachers, and other education professionals an introduction to the transition to adulthood.

Academic Research: Peer Relationships and Social and Recreational Activities among Adolescents and Adults with Autism

The authors investigated the relationships and social participation of 235 adolescents and adults with autism who live at home and found that the prevalence of friendships and relationships was consistently low for all of the people studied.

Website: Conceptual Frameworks/Models, Guiding Values and Principles

This website provides the details for the cultural framework that the National Center for Cultural Competence uses to underpin their activities and resources.

Website: Diversity and Cultural Competency

This webpage outlines the diversity and cultural competency position of TASH, an advocacy organization for people with disabilities.

Training Materials: Cultural Competence – Do You Have It

This is a checklist geared towards professionals (specifically in healthcare) that interact with people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

Website: Advance CLASS

Advance CLASS is a non-profit organization dedicated to the implementation of a strong and vital long-term services and supports program.

Website: ALLIANCE National Parent Technical Assistance Center

The ALLIANCE National Parent Technical Assistance Center provides technical assistance to Parent Centers by developing products and tools to assist families and children with disabilities; offering training events; and offering assistance with strategic planning, technology, and business partnerships.

Website: Family Village

This website offers information, resources, and communication opportunities for people with autism and other disabilities, their families, and professionals. The information provided in this website includes resources on specific diagnoses, assistive technologies, recreational activities, education, health issues, media and literature, and worship. View the Website – Family Village.

Website: National Association of Area Agencies on Aging

This organization provides training and technical assistance as well as advocates on behalf of local Area Agencies on Aging to promote services and resources for older adults and persons with disabilities.