Guide: Autism & Law Enforcement: 25 Field Response Tips

This document offers 25 field response tips for law enforcement professionals to help them effectively interact with individuals with autism in emergency situations.

Guide: Center for Autism and Related Disabilities: Autism & the Faith Community

This guide is designed to help individuals in faith-based communities understand the needs of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders.

Website: Autism Internet Modules

This website provides comprehensive, up-to-date, and useful information on autism to educators and families who support individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD).

Guide: Autism Speaks: Transition Tool Kit

This toolkit is designed to assist families on the journey from adolescence to adulthood.

Website: Pathway at UCLA Extension

Pathway at UCLA Extension is a two-year certificate program for students with intellectual and other developmental disabilities, offering a blend of educational, social, and vocational experiences.

Website: Inclusion Werks

Inclusion Werks is a non profit organization that promotes the full inclusion of people with disabilities in education, employment, community living and community life.

Guide: It’s My Choice

This guide provides activities and checklists that can be used to help in the person-centered planning process.

Article: A Few Words About People First Language

This article discusses how to use language and words in a way that does not devalue and disrespect individuals with disabilities.

Fact Sheet: Accessibility Guidelines for Speakers

This document outlines best practices for speakers that encourage accessibility in designing handouts and presentations.

Book: Your Values, My Values

This book, geared towards family members of people with developmental disabilities and professionals (teachers, social workers, clinicians, and support staff), explains how to provide culturally responsive services that support the values of people who receive them.