Research Article: The experience of anxiety in young adults with autism spectrum disorders

Anxiety is known to be common among young adults with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), yet little is known about the nature of their experiences or the strategies they use to live and cope with their reported anxiety.

Research Article: An approach for expanding and connecting opportunities for employment for adolescents with disabilities

The authors examined “community conversations” to build capacity and interest in expanding employment opportunities.

Research Article: An evaluation of the beyond high school model on the self-determination of students with intellectual disability

Students with intellectual disability are often served in community-based services to promote effective adult outcomes in employment, community inclusion, and independent living.

Research Article: Predictors of employment and postsecondary education of youth with autism

The authors investigated predictors of employment and postsecondary education outcomes of youth with autism in the Vocational Rehabilitation Program.

Research Article: The role of postsecondary education in the path from high school to work for youth with disabilities

This study found that for youth with disabilities, the traditional predictors of college going are more important than disability-related factors for enrolling in universities; disability-related factors are slightly more important for enrolling in postsecondary vocational education.

Webpage: Bureau of Labor Statistics: Data on the Employment Status of People with a Disability

This webpage offers reports and news releases that contain employment statistics for individuals with disabilities.

Webpage: Bureau of Labor Statistics: Data on the Employment Status of People with a Disability

This webpage offers reports and news releases that contain employment statistics for individuals with disabilities.

Report: Unfinished Business: Making Employment of People with Disabilities a National Priority

This report discusses the current disability employment situation, addresses some recent developments that create an opportunity to bring more workers with disabilities into the labor force, and calls on government and business leaders and others in the community to elevate this issue to a national priority.

Research Article: Gender gaps career development for young women with disabilities

This study used focus groups and individual interviews with high school girls with disabilities, college women with disabilities, high school special education teachers, school administrators and employers to examine career development and transition needs for young women with disabilities.

Research Article: Do sheltered workshops enhance employment outcomes for adults with autism spectrum disorder?

This study investigated whether sheltered workshops help prepare individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) for competitive employment within the community.