The Learning Styles of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

To understand how a child learns best, it helps to understand what type of learning environment a child responds to organically.

Dear Teacher

Autism doesn’t mean I’m less than. I’m creative and fun. I love to learn. I love to work. I promise to always give you my best…and I keep my promises.

Back to School

As family members, we all want our loved ones to be in an educational environment that allows them to thrive – one that makes them feel safe, accepted and included.

Service Learning

Through service learning projects, young individuals from kindergarten to college use what they learn in the classroom to solve real life problems. This also allows them use practical applications to become actively contributing citizens and community members through the service that they perform.

Better Living Through Prosthetic Brain Parts

The following excerpt is from “Navigating College: A Handbook on Self-Advocacy Written for Autistic Students from Autistic Adults.” This handbook, produced by the Autistic Self-Advocacy Network and the Autism NOW Center, offers tips and suggestions about various issues that people with autism and other developmental disabilities may encounter in college.

Living With Autism in The Classroom

I have learned over the years to ignore and persevere. I spent years in the classroom with people that talked with their voice to communicate while I sat alone and typed one paragraph at a time. Typing and communicating are the same.

My Washington DC Internship

During the summer of 2012, I was awarded the wonderful opportunity to intern at the Administration on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AIDD) as part of The Washington Center (TWC) Internships and Academic Seminars Program.

New Year’s Resolution – Let’s Do Something About Bullying

New Year’s Resolutions. What good are they unless you take action and actually do something about them? One of the hottest topics in the news this last year has been bullying.

How to Educate Important People in your Neighborhood

If you are a parent or family member of a loved one with autism or other developmental disabilities, you may be especially concerned with his/her safety in times of emergencies.

All About Bullying

To help protect your child from bullying, we wanted to introduce some information about detecting bullying and ways to stop it after it is occurring. It is important to learn about bullying so that you can protect your child against it.