This guide, developed by the National Autism Center, provides information about evidence-based practices to help parents make informed decisions about the appropriate intervention services.
This children’s book tells the story of a young boy named Jason, whose life changes after the birth of Tiger, his little brother who has autism.
Through outreach, education, and support, this organization works to provide individuals and communities develop a greater understanding of autism.
This webpage contains tip sheets and other useful resources from The Autism Program of Illinois (TAP).
This tip sheet provides strategies for handling some of the challenges associated with toilet training.
This article discusses a study, conducted by researchers from the UC Davis MIND Institute, that compares development in Hispanic and non-Hispanic children.
Although the assertion of a link between vaccines and autism has been scientifically rejected, the theory continues to be popular and may influence the attitudes of parents of children with autism spectrum disorders.
We sought to examine sex differences among children who met case definition for ASD in a large, population-based cohort with respect to age at first developmental evaluation, age of diagnosis, influence of cognitive impairment on these outcomes, and sex-specific behavioral characteristics.
A multiple probe design was used to assess the combined effects of videomodeling, graduated guidance and community-based instruction for teaching children with autism how to protect themselves from the lures of strangers.
The purpose of the Kansas Self-Direction Toolkit is to provide people with disabilities the information and tools they need to hire and manage their personal assistant supports and services.