Website: Stages Learning
A variety of free resources for individuals with autism from Stages Learning.

Autism and Behavioral Spectrum

Located in Missouri, Autism and Behavioral Spectrum (AB Spectrum) is a childcare center that serves children who show signs of delay or would benefit from additional attention in one or more developmental areas.

Blog: Anonymously Autistic

Anonymously Autistic is a blog written by a late diagnosed Autistic adult. Topics covered include coping with having a job and living in the real world independently.

Traveling Resources

Two blogs covering the ins-and-outs of traveling with autism and other disabilities:

Fact Sheet: ABLE Act Improvements

This fact sheet provides a brief summary of the three ABLE Act amendments introduced by Congress in March 2016.

Winning in College: A Guide for Students with Disabilities

Website: Winning in College: A Guide for Students with Disabilities

Housing Rights Resources

National Fair Housing Alliance report on discrimination for those that are deaf or hard of hearing:


National Fair Housing Alliance annual report, highlighting majority of Fair Housing complaints are made by people with disabilities:


“Priced Out” report on the housing affordability crisis faced by people with disabilities:


National Housing Trust Fund:
This Capitol Insider blog post includes links to more resources on the NHTF including the list of lead state agencies –


HUD Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Rule:
This Capitol Insider blog post includes links to more resources on the new rule –


HUD Section 811 Supportive Housing for Persons with Disabilities Program:
811 Resource Center –
2012 Issue Brief that provides an overview of the model –

Website: Stages Learning


Stages Learning Materials’ products all feature beautiful, colorful, real-photo images to capture a child’s attention and engage their minds. Stages photo flash card sets, games, puzzles and posters offer a broad assortment of images to teach a wide range of language skills. We have cards that are identical to teach pre-language matching, cards to teach categorization and similarities, color cards, shape cards, and beautiful picture cards for language development.

Webinar: Empowering Latina Mothers of Children with ASD Webinar Archive Available


Empowering Latina Mothers of Children with ASD Webinar Archive Available

UnknownIn concert with April as Autism Awareness and Acceptance month, the Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD) hosted a webinar entitled “Parents Taking Action: Empowering Latina Mothers of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).” Latinos represent the fastest growing population in the US, and Latino children are one of the fastest growing ASD populations. Despite this growth, they are one of the most underserved groups with respect to diagnostic services, health care, and specialty autism services. “There are huge gaps in identifying and supporting Latino children with ASD leading to serious and significant long-term health disparities.  I’m thrilled that we were able to share with the network one promising community-based model for addressing those gaps by empowering their family members,” said Cathy Pratt, chair of AUCD’s Autism Special Interest Group.

UnknownDr. Sandy Magaña, professor in Disability and Human Development at the University of Illinois at Chicago, is a national leader in the investigation of racial and ethnic disparities among children with autism and developmental disabilities and among their family caregivers.

Over 200 people from around the country joined the webinar where Dr. Magaña discussed the adaptation of the Promotora de Salud (community health worker) model, a culturally-based approach to addressing informational needs of Latino parents, to educating Latina mothers of children diagnosed with ASD. “We find the promotoras are exceptionally good at promoting self-efficacy in parents,” said Dr.  Magaña, “which leads to parents advocating for better services and utilizing evidence-based interventions to improve their child’s outcomes.”  A randomized controlled trial is currently underway to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed model, and preliminary findings that show a significant improvement in confidence and utilization of evidence based strategies were presented on the webinar.

The event was planned and sponsored by AUCD’s Special Interest Groups on Autism and Family Support and AUCD’s Multicultural Council, and hosted by AUCD on April 21, 2016.

English and Spanish transcripts of the webinar content including the webinar recording are now available on the event page.



Website: Our Stars Inc.


provides support group, workshops,advocacy and respite care services,blog.