Website: Stages Learning
A variety of free resources for individuals with autism from Stages Learning.
A variety of free resources for individuals with autism from Stages Learning.
Located in Missouri, Autism and Behavioral Spectrum (AB Spectrum) is a childcare center that serves children who show signs of delay or would benefit from additional attention in one or more developmental areas.
Anonymously Autistic is a blog written by a late diagnosed Autistic adult. Topics covered include coping with having a job and living in the real world independently.
Two blogs covering the ins-and-outs of traveling with autism and other disabilities:
This fact sheet provides a brief summary of the three ABLE Act amendments introduced by Congress in March 2016.
Website: Winning in College: A Guide for Students with Disabilities
Stages Learning Materials’ products all feature beautiful, colorful, real-photo images to capture a child’s attention and engage their minds. Stages photo flash card sets, games, puzzles and posters offer a broad assortment of images to teach a wide range of language skills. We have cards that are identical to teach pre-language matching, cards to teach categorization and similarities, color cards, shape cards, and beautiful picture cards for language development.
provides support group, workshops,advocacy and respite care services,blog.