Released by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services in September 2017, this letter provides guidance to states on the implications of the ABLE Act for state Medicaid programs.
From The University of Texas – Austin (Division of Diversity and Community Engagement – Services for Students with Disabilities), this resource provides scholarship information for students with various types of disabilities..
SPEAKall!® is a tablet AAC app differentiated with a special feature set for children with autism spectrum and developmental disorders. The outcome of using SPEAKall!® is to train the child to find their voice and produce audible speech. SPEAKall!® focuses on language learning and natural speech development based on a system developed by Dr. Oliver Wendt at Purdue…
HealthMeet: Check Out the New Page!
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This guide contains an overview of the more popular types of disabilities and comprehensive list of apps and software programs appropriate for each. Technology Guide for People with Disabilities
Operation Autism directly supports U.S. military families touched by autism and autism spectrum disorders. It serves as an introduction to autism, a guide for the life journey with autism, and a ready reference for available resources, services, and support.
Uneepi is an online dating and social media website that is catered to people on the autism spectrum. It provides various resources such as coaching to help its users with social interacting. Resources from Stages Learning for preschoolers with autism. A variety of free resources for individuals with autism from Stages Learning.