This website connects you to “Maneuvering Through the Maze: A Family Resource Guide”. This guide provides a list of resources available to families and people with developmental disabilities that deal with important issues from birth to adulthood. While this information is primarily focused at New Hampshire resources; some resources and suggestions are relevant to any…
This guide provides information to schools and families to help them as they prepare students for post-school environments.
The book provides information and activities designed for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities to give them more information about decisions that they will need to make as they move into adult life.
This section discusses IEP transition planning components required by federal and New Hampshire law and describes the model that many New Hampshire school districts use to develop transition plans within the Individual Education Program (IEP).
This guide provides a definition of self-advocacy and answers several frequently asked questions about self-advocacy.
This wiki-handbook provides the most current and comprehensive information about the transition to adulthood to people with autism spectrum disorders and their families.
This handbook, written by the Autistic Self-Advocacy Network and funded by the Autism NOW Center, offers tips and suggestions about several different issues that people with autism and other developmental disabilities may encounter in college.