Article: Impact: Best Practices in Promoting Friendship Development for Students with ASD

This article, featured in the newsletter from the Institute for Community Inclusion at the University of Minnesota, discusses the importance and benefits of friendship.

Article: National Center on Secondary Education and Transition: Bullying and Teasing of Youth With Disabilities: Creating Positive School Environment for Effective Inclusion

This article provides information on bullying, teasing and disability harassment.

Article: Council for Exceptional Children: “R U Ready?” Helping Students Assess Their Readiness for Postsecondary Education

This article focuses on the challenges students with disabilities face when making the transition from high school to postsecondary education.

Article: Autism in adults

This article addresses the difficulties that adults with autism spectrum disorders have in finding information and services.

Article: A Few Words About People First Language

This article discusses how to use language and words in a way that does not devalue and disrespect individuals with disabilities.

Article: Building a Resume – Tips for Youth with Disabilities

This article, provided by the National Family Advocacy and Support Training Project (FAST), offers tips for young people with disabilities and their families on effective strategies for building the first resume.

Article: Inclusion and the Other Kids

This article from the National Institute for Urban School Improvement discusses inclusive education, specifically the positive effects that an inclusive classroom setting can have on children without disabilities.

Article: Autism Society of Greater Cleveland – Sexuality Education for Children and Youth with Disabilities

This article describes sexuality and the importance of giving accurate and truthful information to children and youth with disabilities.

Academic Research: Behavioral and Developmental Interventions for Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Clinical Systematic Review

This journal article reviews over one hundred articles on the effectiveness of behavioral and developmental interventions for people with autism in order to determine which interventions had the greatest impact on improving the lives of people with autism.

Article: Autism Research Institute: Keys to Successful Independent Living, Employment and a Good Social Life for Individuals with Autism and Asperger’s

This article by Temple Grandin lists many tips for people with autism spectrum disorders that she finds helpful for success in the larger community.