Research Article: High-poverty youth self-determination and involvement in educational planning

The authors compared involvement in educational planning and use of self-determination strategies reported by two groups of students attending a high-poverty, predominately Black high school.

Research Article: An approach for expanding and connecting opportunities for employment for adolescents with disabilities

The authors examined “community conversations” to build capacity and interest in expanding employment opportunities.

Research Article: An evaluation of the beyond high school model on the self-determination of students with intellectual disability

Students with intellectual disability are often served in community-based services to promote effective adult outcomes in employment, community inclusion, and independent living.

Research Article: Predictors of employment and postsecondary education of youth with autism

The authors investigated predictors of employment and postsecondary education outcomes of youth with autism in the Vocational Rehabilitation Program.

Research Article: The role of postsecondary education in the path from high school to work for youth with disabilities

This study found that for youth with disabilities, the traditional predictors of college going are more important than disability-related factors for enrolling in universities; disability-related factors are slightly more important for enrolling in postsecondary vocational education.

Research Article: Exploring the Effect of Autism Waiver Services on Family Outcomes

This study examined the effect of services provided through Maryland’s Home and Community-Based Services Medicaid waiver for children with autism on several outcomes related to families.

Research Article: Fathers of Children with Disabilities: Stress and Life Satisfaction

As the role of fathers within families continues to evolve, understanding how these changes impact life satisfaction is needed.

Research Article: Analysing family service needs of typically underserved families in the USA

The present paper examines the disability-related formal service supports within the family quality of life (FQOL) framework in a sample of predominantly low-income, minority families in the USA.

Research Article: Head lag in infants at risk for autism: A preliminary study

We examined the association between head lag during pull-to-sit at age 6 mo and autism risk status.

Research Article: Same but Different: 9-Month-Old Infants at Average and High Risk for Autism Look at the Same Facial Features but Process Them Using Different Brain Mechanisms

The study examined whether 9-month-old infants at average vs. high risk for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) process facial features (eyes, mouth) differently and whether such differences are related to infants’ social and communicative skills.