Autism NOW Webinar: Think College Vermont: College Options for People with Intellectual Disabilities
Think College Vermont: College Options for People with Intellectual Disabilities
The registration for this webinar is closed, and it is now only available on-demand.
Time: Tuesday, February 5, 2013, from 2:00 to 3:30 PM EST
Speakers: Kiersten Hallquist, Program Manager for Think College Vermont @UVM/CDCI, Bryan Dague, Project Coordinator for Think College Vermont @UVM/CDCI, Max Barrows, Self-Advocates Becoming Empowered along with Peer Mentors and Students from Think College Vermont
Think College Vermont at the University Vermont is a small, innovative, inclusive, academic, social, and vocational program for students with intellectual disabilities seeking a college experience. Participants may earn a 9-18 credit-hour certificate of professional studies designed to include: Academic Enrichment, Socialization, Independent Living Skills (including self-advocacy), and Integrated Work Experiences & Career Skills. Think College Vermont, a program of the Center on Disability and Community Inclusion, incorporates student-centered planning, academic advising, and peer mentors for an inclusive, supportive college experience. Join us for this webinar as program staff and students present on their experiences working in this new and innovative program! A small panel will field questions at the end of the informational presentation.
Webinar Recording and Presentation Slides
View PowerPoint Slides for this webinar.