
As self-advocates and family-advocates what does independence mean to you?

Identity Theft

This article is intended to inform you of what identity theft is, precautions you may take to prevent it and what to do if it happens to you. These recommendations can help you maintain your independence.

Top Technology Companies Coming to Convention

Verizon and Microsoft will be joining The Arc at our National Convention August 3-5 in Bellevue, Washington for a program focused on technology, innovation and Achieving Momentum in the movement for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

National Convention Preconference Dedicated to Self Advocacy

The Arc’s annual National Convention kicks off August 3, 2013 with a preconference dedicated to fostering self-advocacy among people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

From the Director: Welcome to the Family

Greetings to everyone in the Autism NOW Center family. My name is Karen Wolf-Branigin and I recently joined The Arc of the U.S. as the Director of the Autism NOW Center. It has been my pleasure to meet the people that make the Autism NOW Center a leading, national autism resource and information center and share with you about what we have planned for the future.

Living My Dream: A Panel Discussion

If Thomas Edison had given up on his dream, where would we be? Answer: In the dark. He tried 350 different ways to make the light bulb work. It’s not a failure; it’s just another way that doesn’t work. Try, try, and try again until you succeed. It just takes time and patience because it doesn’t happen overnight.

I am Loud

Talking about disabilities is okay. I want to tell people why I behave the way that I do.

Can’t You See

Through this poem, Scott Lentine, a young man with autism, shares his goals and dreams.

Accommodating Ourselves

One of the skills I have found most valuable is being able to accommodate myself in most environments.

Cooking and Gaining Independence

I am looking to have more independence as I get older. Cooking helps me with that.