Plants Outside the Shade

This is a personal description of some of what autism means to me.

My Washington DC Internship

During the summer of 2012, I was awarded the wonderful opportunity to intern at the Administration on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AIDD) as part of The Washington Center (TWC) Internships and Academic Seminars Program.


The struggle for disability rights and acceptance is like a long, dark tunnel. We can make it out the other side, but only by the combined light of our candles.

The Ways Belonging To A Self-Advocacy Group Makes A Difference In Your Life

In the fall of 2011, Self-Advocates Becoming Empowered collaborated with seven self-advocacy organizations to run focus forums with 10 to 30 peer leaders with developmental disabilities. These are their responses.

What Reading Self Advocate Blogs Does

Reading the blogs of autistic people is a way to realize that all this is possible and give you both hope that this will happen for your kid and ideas on how to help your kid make it happen.

You, Empowered: Starting an Autism Initiative in the Local Community

When she walked in my office I could tell that she was going to speak her mind. She was passionate and pushy, but she had the right to be. She knew what it is like to raise a child with autism, and she was sitting across from me demanding more from our community.

Vote: It’s Empowering!

With the Presidential Elections just a few short weeks away, now is the time to learn about your rights as a voter!

Remarkable Achievements

The National Autism Resource and Information Center is an initiative of The Arc, dedicated as the central point of high quality resources and information across the lifespan for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and other developmental disabilities.

Preparing for College for Individuals with ASD and Other Disabilities

by Amy Goodman Co-Director, Autism NOW Center August is back-to-school month and for students who plan on attending college in the near future, we hope that you use this time to think and plan ahead. Students with autism and other developmental disabilities may have to take extra steps when it comes to preparing for college such…

Incorporating Students with Autism in Your Classroom: Dennis’s Story

Including students with special needs in your classroom encourages acceptance of individual differences and more opportunities for students to develop friendships and respect for all people.