HealthMeet® Webinar: The State of Health and Wellness for Individuals with IDD
The State of Health and Wellness for Individuals with IDD
Time: Wednesday, April 23, 2014, from 2:00pm to 3:00 PM EST
Historically, people with IDD have experienced health disparities related to many different factors including: lack of access to care, inadequate health care providers, and social determinants to name just a few. Recently though, a greater effort has been made to identify and address such disparities through programs that help encourage healthier lifestyles and educate health professionals. In this webinar, Lynda Lahti Anderson from the University of Minnesota’s Institute on Community Integration will identify the implications that will hinder future research on these disparities and ways to improve methods of addressing health care needs for this population in efficient, thorough specialized programs and cost-effective methods.
Space is limited. Reserve your seat now for this HealthMeet webinar.