The Autistic author and animator: a mother’s view of a daughter’s triumph By: Janet Walmsley This book is a great story about an inspiring young woman, who has overcome her challenges with autism to become a writer, an animator, and to have a life she has created for herself. I would recommend this book to…
“Outcasts on A Distant Moon: Dysnomia” by Jenny Story This is a great story written by an individual with autism. It is a fantasy novel for young adults. I would recommend it to anyone who likes fantasy, princes and princesses, or who feels like they are an outcast with no name. It is a fun…
By: Tracey Cohen I like the way this book is divided into sections, it’s easy to read format, and that it is written as lessons about how to understand someone on the autism spectrum. It is informative, instructive, concise and to the point. I would recommend this to anyone needing to quickly and easily learn…
“This book is excellent. I especially liked the quote for each day. I liked the fact that it is in a format of a journal, as parents need to reflect on what they read, hear, say and do. I also like that the material is broken down into manageable parts each day of the year…