The Autism NOW Center hosts quarterly webinars, presented by experts in the disabilities field, on various topics across the lifespan! These webinars are freely accessible to the public; however, registration is required and space is limited. View the schedule for upcoming webinars and register today!
Did you know that all of our past webinars are archived on our website? Access the webinar archive to view over 100 webinars!
The transition to college can be stressful for anyone. It can be especially hard for students with an autism spectrum disorder, who have difficulties accessing the social networks that other students rely on for support. Before making a decision, explore the kinds of supports that schools provide to students with disabilities.
Autism NOW Center’s fact sheets on topics of importance to people with autism spectrum disorders and other developmental disabilities are a resource you and your family members can use to get information in an easy-to-read and understand format.
The Autism NOW Center provides four core services: 1. the website 2. webinars 3. Regional Summits 4. An Information and Referral Call Center
A motivating factor for schools and community providers to provide evidence-based transition practices for all students, including students with autism spectrum disorders or other developmental disabilities, stems from growing evidence that more needs to be done to ensure that young adults are prepared to pursue meaningful work in the 21st century workplace.
It is clear that just like all of us, people with disabilities, including ASD, can benefit from employment. Individuals across the spectrum can work when they find the right job match and when appropriate and individualized supports are built in.
A glossary of terms, focused on employment issues.
Employment can mean a lot of things to a lot of people. For most people, employment means having an integrated job in the community, which means a job just like everyone else has. Some people are also exploring other options like self employment or owning your own business.
Many cities offer public transportation. Many individuals with disabilities rely on these services to get them to school, work, home and other extracurricular activities. Learn about how to use public transportation to ensure you get to where you need to be on time. Also, learn about the types of services available to you.
We all love to travel and experience new places. For individuals living with autism and their families, it is important to make preparations in advance to ensure a safe journey to your destination.