Guide: Thinking About Inclusion – Taking Personal and Corporate Responsibility for Welcoming Everyone

The purpose of this booklet is to help staff of public, private and voluntary organizations create a welcoming and inclusive environment for customers with disabilities.

Guide: Michigan’s Department of Community Health: Transition Planning: A Guidebook for Young Adults and Family

This guide helps young adults with disabilities plan for future needs including health care, employment, education and independent living.

Guide: Possibilities: A Financial Resource for Parents of Children with Disabilities

This resource is intended to be a guide to help parents manage money, and plan for their child’s financial future and overall well-being.

Guide: The National Autism Center: A Parent’s Guide to Evidence-Based Practice and Autism

This guide, developed by the National Autism Center, provides information about evidence-based practices to help parents make informed decisions about the appropriate intervention services.

Guide: Institute for Community Inclusion: Moving on to High School

This tip sheet is designed to help parents of children with intellectual and developmental disabilities transition from middle school to high school.

Guide: Work Without Limits: School Days to Pay Days

This booklet is designed to help families of young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities get started with the school-to-work transition process.

Guide: U.S. Department of Education: Disability Employment 101

Intended to be a resource for employers, this guide provides an overview of disability employment.

Brochure: Disaster Readiness Tips for People with Developmental or Cognitive Disabilities

This brochure, developed by the National Organization on Disability, is designed to help individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities begin to plan for emergencies.

Guide: Evidence-Based Social-Emotional Curricula and Intervention Packages for Children 0-5 Years and Their Families

This document presents summary information on curricula and intervention packages designed to help young children ages birth to 5 years improve their social-emotional functioning.

Guide: OCALI: What to Do When Your Child Exhibits Dangerous Behavior

This guide provides information to parents of children with autism to assist them in handling severe behaviors including self-injury, aggression and property destruction.