I’ve Got A Stat For You: My Life with Autism

Book Reviewed by: Amy Goodman, Director of Autism Now

This is a well written book by an individual on the autism spectrum. It is an interesting read and it makes one feel like you actually know the author and are part of his life. It is from a different perspective as the author is from England and not the United States.  He makes you a part of his passion for football, aka soccer for U.S. fans.

It is very informative and educational, as well as helpful in how to treat individuals on the spectrum and what to do and not do when working with individuals with an ASD. I like the title as it is perfect since that is what the author was good at, talking and writing about stats for football/soccer and the fact that he actually was on a quiz show because of his of his passion is totally awesome.

Recommend this content I’ve Got A Stat For You: My Life with Autism

One thought on “I’ve Got A Stat For You: My Life with Autism

  1. Hi Amy. Thank you for your positive critique of my memoirs it is very much appreciated. However, as the autistic pedant that I am, I would like to point out I am actually from Wales, not England, although only just by around ten miles (16km).

    I am pleased to tell you that I keep any positive articles, of which this is one, regarding my life in a cuttings album and this will fit in excellently.

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